Please find below the latest information regarding the current Coronavirus outbreak.

Since our last email the Coronavirus situation has developed fast – now covering all continents and with a host of flight and tour cancellations, plus various measures put in place by authorities across the globe.

We are in regular communication with tourism partners including VisitBritain and it is becoming more important for us to report back on how businesses in North Wales are being affected and the potential consequences on domestic and international visitors going forward into 2020. The information that you supply may help to leverage the development of a recovery plan.

We are therefore asking our businesses to share with us in confidence any information from the ground regarding if and how this may be affecting your business.

  • Have you seen any impact at this stage in travel and booking behaviour?
  • Do you have a plan in place if a visitor arrives to your accommodation and develops symptoms of coronavirus?

This may include bookings, cancellations, day to day operations, communications with group tour operators etc. If you forward monetary values these will also be treated in the utmost confidence.

The information already provided by you has been used to write to Public Health Wales with some specific questions and seeking further advice. They have confirmed they will look into the situation for us and we will forward their reply once received. In the meantime please visit their website ( particularly in relation to the ‘Do’s’ and ‘Don’ts’ which we recommend following at all times.

VisitBritain also has a comprehensive update on their website.

We would be grateful if you could communicate your feedback to us by emailing