Power Solutions are a top 10 UK Premier Energy Broker who are helping all business entities take advantage of today’s energy prices. During the uncertain times we are in why not look to see whether you can save money by contacting Power Solutions.
Oil price history cost per barrel
In 2001 it was $28.29
In 2008 it peaked during the recession at $165.20
April 2020 it is $20.11
This week Russia and The Arab States have agreed to cut production to drive the price upward which means energy prices likely to rise plus look at what happened in 2008 during the last UK recession. The next one is global.
Let us help you now save on your future energy bills.
If you are on a variable rolling contract or on deemed out of contract rates we can arrange new contracts at lower prices.
If you are in a contract that is due to end within the next 12 months let us secure prices today which will commence the following day from your contract end date. Many customers renewing their gas supplies are seeing great savings. With Electricity the prices are certainly more favourable these last few months.
All we require is a copy of your latest energy bill both sides, scan or take a photo and share from smartphone then email to jan.harrop@powersolutionsuk.com