These events will run from 17th November – 12th December 2022.

Event Management and Designing Great Experiences Out of Season
An online masterclass led by Becky Maybury, a world leading event organiser and experience designer who has worked with great brands such as Marks and Spencer, Lululemon and is currently part of the team behind TED conferences in Vancouver, Canada. She will focus on special event management and designing great experiences out of season.

The Winter Customer
This session will explore the changing nature and dynamic of the winter customer. What is the size of the winter tourism and hospitality market? What are people looking for? How is the Christmas and New Year period changing for customers and what are people spending their money on?
Denise Hampson – Denise is a Behavioural Economics and Experience Design Consultant. Starting as a Human Factors Engineer, she has worked in human-centred design for over 25 years, designing products and systems to work best for the people who use them. She has worked with hundreds of organisations across the UK and North America in the health, justice, hospitality and retail sectors.

Switzerland – 4-Season Tourism Product Approach
We have recently twinned Llandudno with Champery in Switzerland. This online workshop will focus on the Région Dents du Midi Region Tourist bureau and Champery. Presented by Cllr Jean-Philippe Borgeaud, President of the twinning committee, Mr. Zachary Fournier Committee Director responsible for administration and operations also Mr Ray Pritchard a business man from the region. The workshop will explore how Champery started as a summer destination 1860’s till 1950 and then shifted to Winter sports. Their 4-season tourism product approach will look at how they create travel and experience packages.

Creu Conwy
Join representatives from CCBC Economy and Culture Service to learn about the new county Culture Strategy – Creu Conwy – and how it can benefit your business. Workshop will cover the use of the Welsh language, local stories and historic evidence and imagery to create an authentic and memorable visitor experience.
Leading the workshop will be Helen Goddard, Section Head for Culture, Libraries and Information. Helen’s background is in museums and heritage. Before moving to North Wales in 2011, Helen worked across the northern and western isles of Scotland in archaeology and community development.

Power of Audio, How to get the Message Right and Branded Content
In a time when nearly 1 in 3 web browsing sessions are screenless, Simon Forster, Creative Director for Global Media & Entertainment, demonstrates the key role audio plays in prompting purchasing behaviour and the importance of contextually relevant and personalised messaging.
This masterclass will be a face-to-face session with the Regional Creative Director for Global Radio, Simon Forster who will present a dynamic and interactive workshop to include information on the power of audio, how to get the message right with content, show examples of how branded content can work as a business to consumer channel, reaching the right audience at the right time of year in terms of distribution and discoverability.

The Irish Connection
Dave Lawless Director of Tourism Dunlaoghaire, Ireland leads this webinar discussing Ireland, similarities to North Wales and how an area of Ireland are bringing in visitors during the Winter season.

Tourism Xchange Great Britain and Working with Visit Wales

Building the Japanese Connections

World Snooker & Major Events
Date: 20th December 2022
Location: Online
Time: 2pm
This webinar will be hosted by Chairman & Director, Jason Ferguson & Head of Business Events, Heledd Williams.
They will be covering the role of Event Wales and how it looks at the event strands covering arts & Culture, sport & mass participation and business events.
They will also be talking about EWIAG formed in Wales, the
role of events and their importance to destinations & economies and the impact/ legacy of events.