With over 10 million people spending a combined 59 million hours a week listening to podcasts in the UK, the success of podcasting is undeniable. Join us on Tuesday 11th August at 10.30am, as we discuss how to harness the power of audio for the tourism and hospitality industry, creating an audio strategy to engage new and existing customers. The free webinar will cover: Why are brands using podcasts?Content – getting the message rightRelevance – examples of how branded content can work as a business to consumer channelReaching the right audience – distribution and discoverabilityWhat’s all this going to cost me? We’ll discuss the production process and services within our […]
Further details of how jobs will be protected through the government’s new Job Retention Bonus have been unveiled by HMRC. https://www.gov.uk/government/news/further-details-of-the-job-retention-bonus-announced
Updated guidelines for Wales from UK Hospitality that we should all now be working from from today. ukh-ukhospitality-reopening-guidance-for-hospitality-in-wales-2Download