Businesses in Wales will have to carry out a specific coronavirus risk assessment under new Welsh Government legislation.These risk assessments will be the starting point for implementing the reasonable measures that are required to be taken to minimise exposure to the coronavirus on premises open to the public and in workplaces.This involves considering issues such as: whether ventilation is adequatehygieneensuring physical distancing is taking placeuse of PPE and face coverings. It will also include considering how employers maximise the number of people who can work from home.
Keep Wales Safe assets for use on your communication channels – website, newsletter, social media etc. Here’s a link to the Level 4 regulations – including Easyread, BSL clip and an easyshare leaflet in different languages. Here’s a link to assets focusing on lockdown, new variant of coronavirus and strengthened messages – including links for Covid information in different languages on the Welsh Government website. This link has been updated. Here’s a link to the vaccination assets.