Workshops for the retail and hospitality sector – preparing to open up

The “Wales. A Food Destination” team organise events throughout the year aimed at helping retail and hospitality businesses upskill across a range of different areas. Following on from the success of the March masterclass workshops further courses are being offered throughout April to highlight the benefits of sourcing, serving and selling Welsh food and drink in a post-Covid world. For further information please follow the link below: 210401-WFD-Workshop_ENG_MasterclassDownload 210401-WFD-Workshop_WEL_MasterclassDownload

UK Gigabit Voucher Scheme

DCMS has launched their new UK Gigabit Voucher scheme. It provides grants of up to £1500 per household or £3500 per business in hard to reach rural areas To qualify for a business voucher you will be asked to self-certify that you are a Small or Medium size Enterprise (SME) – Up to 249 employees and annual turnover no greater than £36 million; and/or an annual balance sheet total not exceeding £18 million.