Qualifications Wales want to hear your views about the qualifications, and the qualifications system in the travel, tourism, hospitality and catering sector.Are qualifications meeting the needs of learners, learning providers and employers? Are they up to date and relevant?Do they prepare learners well for employment?Is the assessment appropriate and fair?What improvements could be made? And;What skills are needed for the future? https://www.qualificationswales.org/english/qualifications/vocational-qualifications/sector-reviews/travel-tourism-hospitality-and-catering-sector-review/travel-tourism-hospitality-and-catering-sector-review-online-questionnaires/
Overarching event guidance – Creating COVID Aware Events has been updated to reflect the amended Taking Reasonable Measures guidance which includes steps 1-4. creating-covid-aware-eventsDownload Step-1-4-Taking-reasonable-measuresDownload https://gov.wales/creating-covid-aware-events-html
Guidance for organisations and individuals in Wales who manage culture and heritage destinations and venues that are open to the public. https://gov.wales/culture-and-heritage-destinations-and-venues-guidance-phased-return-html