Anyone operating tours or visits around Wales will need to ensure that they and their clients comply with the latest* Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 2) (Wales) Regulations 2020 and guidance for tourism and hospitality businesses for a phased and safe re-opening.  This must include a full risk assessment and consideration of all requirements including (but not limited to) social/physical distancing and our Test, Trace, Protect approach.  In respect of transport, coach operators should follow the guidance that applies to public transport operators and ensure that they have undertaken a full risk assessment.  Note that from 27 July three-layer face coverings will become compulsory on the public transport in Wales.

In terms of group sizes, the new regulations for Wales limit any organised group outdoors to 30 people in total (including organiser/driver/guide etc) provided certain measures are in place; this can include a mix of households (not limited to the same/extended household) as long as social distancing/other mitigations are put in place.

About Eirlys Jones

Eirlys is the Commercial Director at North Wales Tourism and can be contacted at or connect with her on LinkedIn you can also follow her on Twitter @EirlysJones5