Business Conference – Free & Online May 20th

Inspiration, information & advice for businesses on their journey to Net Zero. Themes include Tourism & Hospitality, Energy & Transport, Manufacturing, Food & Retail, Buildings & Construction. MC’d by Broadcaster and Journalist Jamie Owen event includes free “Business Support & Finance for Net Zero” guide for attendees. Click here to register today.

Sero Net 2021 – Gogledd Cymru, Mersi a’r Ddyfrdwy

Cynhadledd Fusnes am Ddim ac Ar-lein – Mai 20fed

Ysbrydoliaeth, gwybodaeth a chyngor i fusnesau ar eu taith i Sero-net. Rhoddir sylw i Ynni a Thrafnidiaeth, Twristiaeth a Lletygarwch, Gweithgynhyrchu, Bwyd a Manwerthu, Adeiladau ac Adeiladu. Cyflwynir y digwyddiad gan y darlledwr a’r newyddiadurwr Jamie Owen a bydd mynychwyr yn derbyn canllaw am ddim “Cymorth Busnes a Chyllid ar gyfer Sero Net”.

About Eirlys Jones

Eirlys is the Commercial Director at North Wales Tourism and can be contacted at or connect with her on LinkedIn you can also follow her on Twitter @EirlysJones5