Message from Nicky Williamson, Proprietor of the West Arms, Llanarmon DC and Director of North Wales Tourism.
I have put this together based on previous and current experiences – it is intended as a practical list that we can almost use as a checklist, intended for small businesses but the principles apply for larger ones and it is in no way official, just my thoughts and ideas from one hotel to another.
Please bear in mind that at times like these reactions are different and some of us are almost paralysed by the fear and overwhelm. For others, this checklist will be so obvious it’s almost patronising (- that is not the intention), but if there is ONE thing that helps you then it is worthwhile.
… and before you ask.. have I done everything on this list? No, of course I haven’t!
We are a passionate industry, who works through diversity every day… we”ll get through this together.
All the very best