North Wales Tourism have and are still working hard on behalf it’s members on issues that are affecting the industry.

We are in constant contact with the local MSs and MPs on these issues and are also lobbying side by side and working closely with the Wales Tourism Alliance to drive forward the importance of the industry to the economy of Wales and the effects and implications of these issues on the businesses and industry as a whole. We are also working closely with the local press and media to raise the issues affecting us to make sure the voice of our valuable industry is heard.

Amongst the issues we have undertaken are:

  • 182 Threshold for Self Catering
  • Second Homes
  • Visitor Levy
  • Statutory Licensing
  • Reform of School Year

If you have any questions/queries please do not hesitate to contact us, by email (contacts below), social media channels, online chat on the Trade website or phone. Please email; or with any issues etc you may have.

Please also make sure that you are kept up to date with all the information as they happen by visiting our Trade site and following us on our NWTBiz social media platforms (facebook and twitter), all of which are regularly updated.

2024 Go North Wales Tourism Awards / Gwobrau Twristiaeth Gogledd Cymru 2024

Less than a week to go before applications close for the 2024 Go North Wales Tourism Awards, sponsored by Harlech FoodService.

Enter now –

Closing date: – Monday 7th October 2024

The eighth Go North Wales Tourism Awards will be held on Thursday 21 November at Venue Cymru, Llandudno to celebrate and recognise excellence and outstanding achievement by our businesses and individuals working in the tourism hospitality sector of North Wales.

For the first time in many years, award winners from some of the regional categories will also feed into the national Visit Wales Awards, to be held in Spring 2025, so please check the category information detail to learn more. These categories use an application form that is consistent across Wales.

If you are involved in our region’s tourism industry then these awards are for you! Why not complete the online form and submit? 
The categories are:

  • Go Hotel of the Year
  • Go B&B, Inn and Guest House of the Year
  • Go Self Catering of the Year
  • Go Glamping, Camping, Caravanning and Holiday Park of the Year
  • Go Attraction of the Year
  • Go Activity or Experience of the Year
  • Go Best Event of the Year Award
  • Go Eating Out Experience Award
  • Go Tourism Supplier of the Year Award
  • Go Ethical, Responsible and Sustainable Tourism Award
  • Go Pet Friendly Award
  • Go Rising Star Award
  • New Tourism Business of the Year Award
  • Go Marketing & Media Recognition Award
  • Go Cruise North Wales Award – The Best Immersive and Sustainable Tour
  • Go Accessible and Inclusive Tourism Award
  • Go Resilience and Innovation Award
  • Go North Wales Service to Tourism Award

Deadline for applications will be Monday 7th October 2024

For all details on the awards including how to join us on the Awards evening please visit


Llai na wythnos i fynd cyn i geisiadau gau ar gyfer Gwobrau Twristiaeth Go North Wales 2024, a noddir gan Harlech FoodService.

Ymgeisiwch nawr –

Dyddiad cau: – Dydd Llun 7 Hydref 2024

Bydd wythfed Gwobrau Twristiaeth Go North Wales yn cael eu cynnal ddydd Iau 21 Tachwedd yn Venue Cymru, Llandudno i ddathlu a chydnabod rhagoriaeth a chyflawniad eithriadol gan ein busnesau ac unigolion sy’n gweithio yn sector lletygarwch twristiaeth Gogledd Cymru.

Am y tro cyntaf ers blynyddoedd lawer, bydd enillwyr gwobrau o rai o’r categoriau rhanbarthol hefyd yn bwydo i mewn i Wobrau Cenedlaethol Croeso Cymru, sydd i’w cynnal yng ngwanwyn 2025, felly gwiriwch fanylion y categori i ddysgu mwy. Mae’r categoriau hyn yn defnyddio ffurflen gais sy’n gyson ledled Cymru.

Os ydych chi’n ymwneud â diwydiant twristiaeth ein rhanbarth yna mae’r gwobrau hyn ar eich cyfer chi! Beth am lenwi’r ffurflen ar-lein a’i chyflwyno? 

Y categoriau yw:

  • Gwesty’r Flwyddyn
  • Llety Gwely a Brecwast, Tafarn, Tŷ Llety Gorau
  • Llety Hunan Arlwyo’r Flwyddyn
  • Glampio, Gwersylla, Carafanio a Pharc Gwyliau’r Flwyddyn
  • Atyniad y Flwyddyn
  • Gweithgaredd neu Brofiad y Flwyddyn
  • Gwobr Digwyddiad Gorau’r Flwyddyn
  • Gwobr Profiad Bwyta Allan
  • Gwobr Cyflenwr Twristiaeth y Flwyddyn
  • Gwobr Twristiaeth Foesegol, Cyfrifol a Chynaliadwy
  • Gwobr Cyfeillgar i Anifeiliaid Anwes
  • Gwobr Seren y Dyfodol
  • Gwobr Busnes Twristiaeth Newydd y Flwyddyn
  • Gwobr Marchnata a Chydnabyddiaeth y Cyfryngau
  • Gwobr Mordaith Gogledd Cymru – Taith Ymdrochol a Chynaliadwy Orau
  • Gwobr Twristiaeth Hygyrch a Chynhwysol
  • Gwobr Cadernid ac Arloesi
  • Gwobr Gwasanaeth i Dwristiaeth Go Gogledd Cymru

Y dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau fydd dydd Llun 7 Hydref 2024

I gael yr holl fanylion am y gwobrau gan gynnwys sut i ymuno â ni ar y noson Wobrwyo ewch i

Tipping Act 2023 – what you need to know

The Government legislated in May 2023 to introduce the Tipping Act (an amendment to the Employment Rights Act 1996). This sets out how tips, gratuities and service charge (all described as “tips” from here) are processed and provides guidance on their distribution.

This page sets out the basic rules around tipping, the requirements on business under the legislation and how tips can be distributed. On the latter, there is a degree of flexibility, so it is for each business to interpret as best suits them.

The Government has also published its own non-statutory guidance for businesses on how to follow the code of practice. 

The legislation is due to come into effect from 1st October 2024 and affects all businesses where tips are non-incidental.

TV and copyright licences

You need special licences to allow your guests to access TVs, films and music.

  • If you play recordings of any copyrighted music on your premises (this includes background music, or music made available on devices such as TVs and radios) or if the music is performed live, you may need TheMusicLicence from PPL PRS Ltd –
  • If you play a TV in public areas with the sound on, you need TheMusicLicence from PPL PRS Ltd
  • If you offer short-stay accommodation (of any kind) to overnight visitors and have installed TVs in the accommodation, you need a ‘Hotel and Mobile Units Television Licence’ (hotel licence) –
  • If you offer a DVD film library, you need a DVD Concierge licence –
  • If you operate an in-room entertainment system you need a Hotel Vision licence.
  • If you show films or TV programmes, including channels such as ITV or BBC1, you need an MPLC licence –
  • If you use images in your marketing, you must have permission to use them from the copyright owner.

PLAN FOR THE FUTURE …… Free Financial Awareness Seminar

Let your Money Work for you!!!

Spillane & Co Wealth Management Ltd has kindly offered to host another Financial Awareness Seminar for North Wales Tourism members.

Spillane and Company have a proven track record of presenting financial awareness / pre-retirement / early retirement seminars and workshops to both the public and private sectors.

Professional speakers will present and discuss topics designed to help attendees make key decisions that will define their future years and include:

  • What your financial future looks like and how to build a secure and comfortable future
  • How to plan and grow your savings whilst reducing your tax liability
  • Pension and Commutation – What are your entitlements?
  • The importance of Will planning and lasting power of attorney

The event will be held at 12pm on Monday, 4th November, 2024 at Spillane & Co. Ltd. Offices, ‘The Bank’, 44 Conway Road, Colwyn Bay, LL29 7HT

A complimentary buffet lunch will be provided.

Please register your attendance via e-mail:

Spillane and Co. Ltd., a ‘Senior Partner practice of St. James Place Wealth Management,’ provide this event and initial face to face advice free of any fee and without obligation to members. They also give a guarantee that any advice they provide is the best for your individual personal circumstances.

Tourism Industry Hubs

Monthly 1-2-1 Tourism Industry Hub sessions will commence on Wednesday 30th October 2024 10am – 2pm.  These sessions can be in-person or online on a 1-2-1 basis discussing any element of your membership or industry concerns.  To book your session with a member of our team please follow the link below:

Are you using all the fantastic benefits available to you with North Wales Tourism?

Are you using all the fantastic benefits available to you with North Wales Tourism? 

In our exclusive webinar, “Maximise Your North Wales Tourism Membership”, we’ll guide you through practical, actionable steps to ensure your listing captures the attention and hearts of visitors. 

✔️Learn how to keep your profile fresh and engaging
✔️February half term promotion
✔️How to highlight last-minute availability
✔️Leaflet Distribution
✔️Plus, we’ll unveil the ins and outs of the TXGB booking system.

Our second session is 10th December 2024 at 10:30am, and we will hold future sessions every quarter. 

Simply register below and we will send out a link. See you there! 

Website listing – Updating your Details

Your individual listing on our website is your main opportunity to present your business to the public. However, like any advertising it must be regularly maintained to ensure that it is correct, current and really works for you.

  • When did you last check it?
  • When did you last update it?
  • Are your pictures great?
  • Is your listing better than that of competitors?

Please login and update your entry on  If you have forgotten your password please click on the “forgotten your password” link and enter your registered email address (to reset). If you can’t remember your registered email address, please call 01492 531731 and ask for a member of the digital team alternatively email or visit for assistance with updating your details

Late Availability

Let us help you promote any late availability or midweek deals.

All you have to do is complete the short form here:
Visitors will be able to search through all late availability dates by location and property type from the Go North Wales website. This will also be promoted across our social channels.

Promote your Events

Are you hosting an event in North Wales? Would you like to have exposure on our events section for free? Simply fill out the form on the link below and your event could appear on our webpage.

Special Offers

All members can create special offers at no cost. They show on the special offers page on the gonorthwales website and it is another sales opportunity that is free to use.
If you would like to submit your offer to include on our website you can do so by login in into your extranet account (instructions on how to do so here) or emailing   Also please remember if you have any availability or late cancellations you would like us to promote please send details to

Would like further promotion of your business?

Why not contact us to find out what other opportunities are available to enhance your promotion on our website.  Opportunities include banner advertising, newsletter, blog, social media collaboration.  Bespoke packages can also be developed to fit with your marketing budget.

For further information on the opportunities available please contact

Members’ website –

The members website is another important source of information. Do look at it regularly for information on training courses, offers and discounts, forthcoming meetings and reports on past meetings.  You will also find information about membership, managing your web page, details of the Board, latest research documents and strategies and much more. 

TXGB helps you reach new customers, drive sales and boost your profitability!

It is a free-to-join platform that uses your current booking system to connect you to a wider range of distributors such as Visit Wales and other destination websites. There is no set up costs. You simply pay a 2.5% booking fee to TXGB only on bookings generated – plus commission of the chosen distributor. 

Join once to access multiple sales channels, including Go North Wales.

All tourism businesses including accommodation, tours, events, activities and attractions can use the platform.

Reach new international and domestic audiences on the VisitBritain Shop.

Booking systems already connected to the platform includes: 

  • Bookalet
  • Fareharbor
  • Gemapark
  • Little Hotelier
  • SiteMinder
  • Bookeo
  • TrekkSoft

  • Real time two way data sharing – Show live availability and prices with your chosen sales channels and receive bookings directly into your system with full customer data.
  • Direct payment channels – Get paid directly, at point-of-sale, protecting cash flow and customer data, while ensuring bookings are made on your terms.
  • Free & easy to join – Connect to TXGB via your current booking system, or use the inbuilt sales tool, TXLoad, for free.
  • Optimise commission costs – Access a wide range of unique, low-commission channels alongside established well-known brands.
  • Completely flexible – Pick the best distribution partnerships for you via the simple ‘opt in / out’ marketplace on your user-friendly dashboard.
  • No booking, no fee – No setup or monthly subscription fees. Just a 2.5 percent TXGB booking fee, plus the commission of your chosen sales channels. Go North Wales is commission free for North Wales Tourism members. ​

For further information on TXGB and to get connected

Booking Integration

If you are with any of the booking companies below and would like to make your entry on bookable then please let us have you ID reference and we will complete this for you. Contact

Are you engaging with Visit Wales Opportunities?

Wales Tourism Product Database (WTPD) – Are you listed on the WTPD database that feeds the Visit Wales website? If you are not, are graded and would like to appear on the website please contact

Do you have a product ready to sell to the Travel Trade and Business Events market? If so, you could also be included on these separate websites.,

Working with the B2B markets on Travel Trade and Business Events, provides a great opportunity to attract a wider global reach from new and existing markets to your tourism business. ​

​By establishing effective relationships with key tour operators, travel agents, business event buyers, business event planners and agencies, and engaging a mix of distribution partners, you can find an effective route to market and reach your target audiences.

To learn more about how you can get involved in Visit Wales Travel Trade and Business Events promotion please email

Community Fund Update

Three community organisations have been awarded £1000 each as part of a partnership between Go North Wales and to support their important, ongoing efforts.  The three successful projects are:

North Wales Crusaders Wheelchair Rugby League & Disability Sports Association – The money will be used to cover the cost of transporting the equipment it takes into schools to run its education programme about disability inclusion.

Friends of Mostyn Street (FOMS) & FOMS Kidz in Llandudno – Members of FOMS come together at least once a week to improve the town.  They litter-pick, sweep, clean, rub down railings, clear gutters, and weed pavements and side streets while chatting, laughing and supporting each other.  The group will spend its £1,000 of support from the Community Funding Initiative on buying a mobile jet wash to help keep the streets clean.  The money will also be used to buy replacement cleaning equipment, and to support members of its youth arm FOMS Kidz.

Harlech Community Orchard Project – a not-for-profit group of volunteers who have united to to transform an unused part of a local field into an important spot for wildlife. Visitors will be learning more about the natural wonders of a community orchard as green-fingered volunteers continue a grassroots drive to develop a haven for nature.

Business Growth Partnership package to all Go North Wales Tourism members

This package includes everything you need for a successful campaign on Heart North Wales and includes:

  • 2 weeks airtime per month in peak time bands


  • 1 week FREE per month
  • Scripting and production of 10 and 30 second adverts refreshed every quarter!

As well as the above,  members will also get FREE bonus airtime throughout the month which will be a min of 30% extra!

We have packages available across our 3 transmitters:

  • EAST – Flintshire and Wrexham – £700 + VAT per month
  • CENTRAL – Conwy and Denbighshire – £700 + VAT per month
  • WEST – Anglesey and Gwynedd – £500 + VAT per month

For more info, please contact Giselle on 07850 910 581.

Cuffed-In Coffee

“Cuffed-In Coffee is excited to announce that our award-winning adventure-themed coffee is now stocked with Castell Howell, one of the leading suppliers in Wales. This means our unique, locally roasted blends are available for next-day delivery, making it easier than ever for businesses across North Wales to bring the Cuffed-In Coffee experience to their customers. Whether you’re a café, restaurant, or hotel, our high-quality coffee, inspired by the spirit of adventure, is now just a click away!”

About Eirlys Jones

Eirlys is the Commercial Director at North Wales Tourism and can be contacted at or connect with her on LinkedIn you can also follow her on Twitter @EirlysJones5