We appreciate that it remains to be an extremely difficult, worrying and complex time for many businesses and individuals across North Wales with the COVID-19 pandemic but please remember that we are here to support you.
We continue to monitor the circumstances as they are developing and also continue to engage with MPs and MSs, lobbying on issues on your behalf and making sure your voice is heard.
If you have any questions/queries please do not hesitate to contact us, by email (contacts below), social media channels, online chat on the Trade website or phone. Please email jim.jones@gonorthwales.org.uk; eirlys.jones@gonorthwales.org.uk or deborah.nettleton@gonorthwales.org.uk with any issues etc you may have.
Please also make sure that you are kept up to date with all the information as they happen by visiting our Trade site www.northwalestourism.com and following us on our NWTBiz social media platforms (facebook and twitter), all of which are regularly updated.
Keep safe, we’re in this together.
Website listing – Updating your Details
Your individual listing on our website is your main opportunity to present your business to the public. However, like any advertising it must be regularly maintained to ensure that it is correct, current and really works for you.
- When did you last check it?
- When did you last update it?
- Are your pictures great?
- Is your listing better than that of competitors?
Please login and update your entry on the Go North Wales website. If you require a reminder of your login details or assistance in updating your details please contact Anthony Woodhouse on 01492 539051 or email digital@gonorthwales.org.uk.
Facebook/Twitter – Do you Follow Us
Don’t forget, if you are on social media you can follow us on both Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @nwtbiz @gonorthwales – so if you have content that you would like us to share, let us know and we’ll promote it to our audience! If possible please link to our destination platforms in your posts so that we can see you and share. Social Media and digital marketing are very important parts of the modern marketing mix and a great way to get your business promoted. Remember, we can’t share your social media stories if we don’t know about them.
NWTBiz Facebook Forum

We have a closed Facebook group specifically for members where you can discuss issues, ask for help as well as support each other in our collected aim to make our region one of the top UK tourist destinations. You will need to request to join this by searching NWTBiz and we will accept you as a member.
Special Offers

All members can create special offers at no cost. They show on the special offers page on the gonorthwales website and it is another sales opportunity that is free to use. At present this facility is under used. If you would like to submit your offer to include on our website please follow the link http://submit-offer.gonorth.wales/
Banner Adverts

These are adverts, separate from your normal web listing that show on the home page and the sub- pages. Adverts cost from £200 and when clicked the user is taken to a location defined by the advertiser, usually the member’s own website, rather than your page on our site. For further information on banner advertising please contact digital@gonorthwales.org.uk.
Keep in touch

Our main means of communication with you, our members, is by email. We send out regular email messages to all members or to specific sections of the membership. We try to restrict the number of emails to key topics but also send out regular newsletters covering minor topics. Old copies of newsletters are available online.
In addition to emails, we post short-term news on our closed Facebook Group.
Members’ website – www.northwalestourism.com
The members website is another important source of information. Do look at it regularly for information on training courses, offers and discounts, forthcoming meetings and reports on past meetings. You will also find information about membership, managing your web page, details of the Board, latest research documents and strategies and much more.
Tell us your news
Do keep us informed about your business.
- If you send out press releases or newsletters, do ensure that we are on the distribution list – digital@gonorthwales.org.uk
- Tell us about business developments, any new plans you may have and your successes.
Obviously we like to hear what you are doing, but more importantly we use the information to promote your business and the area in the following ways, all of which are free to you.
- Social Media
- We have a news page on our website. We are regularly publishing articles each week and most are news from our members.
- Inclusion in our regular members’ newsletters
We want to hear from you!
As part of our February social media campaign, we would love to tell your stories.
How has your business changed / adapted during this past year.
- Are you offering a new take away service?
- Have you developed a new product, i.e face masks..
- Have you opened a new online shop that you’d like us to advertise?
- Has your business taken on a new use or a different direction?
Email your stories to Leah.edwards@gonorthwales.org.uk | please include a photo along with a short paragraph of information.
Your Home Your County

North Wales Tourism in partnership with Conwy County Tourism Department have developed a platform for businesses to promote themselves to local residents, reminding them what’s on their doorstep. With this in mind why not promote your business with your take away information, any offers that you are running at the moment, online gifts or vouchers or simply reminding residents that you are simply open for business.
To be part of the website please follow the link and complete the form, if you have an offer etc please also add this to the form https://yourhomeyourcounty.wales/login-registration/
If you prefer to send your details to be inputted by us please provide the following information and email to digital@gonorthwales.org.uk:
- Business name
- Contact details
- Description of business and promotion
- Image
- Opening Hours
Shop local / Eat local / Sleep local / Enjoy local
Please help us to help each other by shopping local and being a local visitor.
Marketing – Moving Forward and Planning Ahead

We know that right now there is so much uncertainty, it’s hard to plan ahead. However, we can focus on what we are certain of – that North Wales remains a fantastic destination with a lot to offer its visitors. It has got no less beautiful or appealing over the last year and people everywhere are desperate to travel and visit new places. So it’s only a matter of when, and not if, our amazing region will be welcoming them again.
In preparation, at North Wales Tourism, we have been working on our marketing plan to support the road to recovery and make sure that North Wales is at the top of everyone’s new bucket lists of places to visit. It targets our UK and overseas market and we believe showcases our visitor offer beautifully.
Please have a look at our marketing buy in brochure and if you are interested in any element of the promotion listed please contact us for a chat – even if you don’t have the budget available now, please have a conversation with our team to see how we can help you. We are here to help and want to make sure that you get the best possible promotion for your businesses in 2021-2022.
Further support for Welsh businesses affected by COVID-19 restrictions
The Welsh Government will be making a further £200 million available to businesses affected by COVID-19 restrictions to help with their operating costs
This is an extension of the funding package, which WG put in place in early December.
This latest funding will be used to extend the Economic Resilience Fund (ERF) Restrictions Business Fund non-domestic Rates (NDR) grant and Discretionary based grants for all non-essential retail, hospitality, leisure and tourism (NERHLT) sectors. It provides a top up payment to cover the period between the 25 January and end of March 2021 for businesses affected by national alert Level 4 restrictions.
Supply chain businesses will also be able to apply if they have had a reduction in turnover of more than 40%. WG have also extended a £5,000 grant through to properties with rateable value of up to £500,000.

Business Summit covering the latest investments, plans and supports on economic recovery for the North Wales Mersey Dee cross border region.
Presentations from the Mersey Dee Alliance, Welsh Government, Cheshire & Warrington LEP, North Wales Economic Ambition Board and Growth Track 360.
This free event online Feb 24th 10am to 3 pm includes Q&A and follow up business input.
Small businesses handed lifeline as Supreme Court rules insurers must pay out for Covid claims
National Living Wage and National Minimum Wage rates for 2021
The UK Government has announced the rise in the National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage from April 2021.
For the first time, more younger people will be eligible for the National Living Wage, as the age threshold will be lowered from 25 to 23.
In full, the increases are:
- National Living Wage (23+) to increase from £8.72 to £8.91
- National Minimum Wage (21-22) to increase from £8.20 to £8.36
- National Minimum Wage (18-20) to increase £6.45 to £6.56
- National Minimum Wage (under 18) to increase £4.55 to £4.62
- Apprenticeship Wage to increase from £4.15 to £4.30
Keep Wales Safe Assets
Keep Wales Safe assets for use on your communication channels – website, newsletter, social media etc.
Here’s a link to the Level 4 regulations – including Easyread, BSL clip and an easyshare leaflet in different languages.
Here’s a link to assets focusing on lockdown, new variant of coronavirus and strengthened messages – including links for Covid information in different languages on the Welsh Government website. This link has been updated.
Here’s a link to the vaccination assets – https://wales.assetbank-server.com/assetbank-wales/images/assetbox/658a6788-8824-49d7-a8aa-7fd481aa4685/assetbox.html
Barclay Card Offer

Next Tourism Generation
PLANED and the Tourism Society Cymru have teamed up with the Next Tourism Generation (NTG) project based at Cardiff Metropolitan University inviting young people and students from across Wales to pitch their best ideas for the future of tourism in Wales.
The competition is inviting students enrolled on further and higher education courses that have a component relating to tourism and travel, hospitality, events, heritage, and food and beverage to pitch innovative ideas for the sector to leading industry representatives.The competition is launched this week.
For full details please visit: https://nexttourismgeneration.eu/event/ntgwales2021/