Did you know it is estimated that only 30% of UK households have a financial plan and the worst thing to do when it comes to managing your finances is to adopt DNA – the ‘Do Nothing Approach’.

Have you ever thought about this?

  • What does my financial future look like and how can I build a secure and comfortable future for my family!
  • Why do I need a financial plan?
  • How do I plan and grow my savings whilst reducing my tax liability?
  • When will I be eligible for a state pension and how much will it be!

To help you with these questions and how to make the most of your money and plan to build a more secure future in an uncertain world. Cassie Lewis, a Spillane and Co. Ltd. Financial planner will host 45-minute financial advice surgeries for members of NWT on Monday, 11th April, 2022 (Between 10am and 4pm).  

This face-to-face advice is free of any fee and without obligation and is a North Wales Tourism member service. A virtual online meeting with Cassie can also be arranged for those working remotely.  

The advice surgeries will be hosted between 9am and 4pm Spillane and Co. Offices, The Bank, 44 Conwy Road, Colwyn Bay Conwy LL29 7HT.  

Please email Cassie.Lewis@sjpp.co.uk or on her direct line 07342 296460 to book your appointment.

About Eirlys Jones

Eirlys is the Commercial Director at North Wales Tourism and can be contacted at eirlys.jones@gonorthwales.org.uk or connect with her on LinkedIn you can also follow her on Twitter @EirlysJones5