North Wales Tourism have and are still working hard on behalf it’s members on issues that are affecting the industry. We are in constant contact with the local MSs and MPs on these issues and are also lobbying side by side and working closely with the Wales Tourism Alliance to drive forward the importance of the industry to the economy of Wales and the effects and implications of these issues on the businesses and industry as a whole. We are also working closely with the local press and media to raise the issues affecting us to make sure the voice of our valuable industry is heard. Amongst the issues we […]
Are you using all the fantastic benefits available to you with North Wales Tourism? Join us for an illuminating session that will enable you to shine a spotlight on your tourism business like never before. In our exclusive webinar, “Maximise Your North Wales Tourism Membership”, we’ll: guide you through practical, actionable steps to ensure your listing captures the attention and hearts of visitors. Learn how to keep your profile fresh and engaging, help you to effectively promote your Halloween and Christmas events or highlight last-minute availability, and get the insider scoop on the prestigious Go North Wales Tourism Awards – your chance to shine among the stars of Welsh hospitality. […]
You need special licences to allow your guests to access TVs, films and music. If you play recordings of any copyrighted music on your premises (this includes background music, or music made available on devices such as TVs and radios) or if the music is performed live, you may need TheMusicLicence from PPL PRS Ltd – If you play a TV in public areas with the sound on, you need TheMusicLicence from PPL PRS Ltd If you offer short-stay accommodation (of any kind) to overnight visitors and have installed TVs in the accommodation, you need a ‘Hotel and Mobile Units Television Licence’ (hotel licence) – If you offer […]
The appointments announced today will provide stability and continuity over the summer in the Ministerial team, complementing the changes announced on 17 July 2024: Deputy First Minister and Cabinet Secretary for Climate Change and Rural Affairs: Huw Irranca-Davies MS Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Constitution and the Cabinet Office: Rebecca Evans MS Cabinet Secretary for Education: Lynne Neagle MS Cabinet Secretary for Housing, Local Government and Planning: Jayne Bryant MS Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care: Mark Drakeford MS Cabinet Secretary for the Economy, Transport and North Wales: Ken Skates MS Cabinet Secretary for Culture, Social Justice, Trefnydd and Chief Whip: Jane Hutt MS Minister for Social Care: Dawn Bowden […]
Nominations and tickets for the 2024 Go North Wales Tourism Awards, sponsored by Harlech FoodService have now opened and the website is now live – . The eighth Go North Wales Tourism Awards will be held on Thursday 21 November at Venue Cymru, Llandudno to celebrate and recognise excellence and outstanding achievement by our businesses and individuals working in the tourism hospitality sector of North Wales. If you are involved in our region’s tourism industry then these awards are for you! Why not complete the online form and submit? There are 18 categories and nominations are now open! You can nominate your own tourism business, or the best tourism […]
Summary of employment, earnings, enterprises, expenditure and output data relating to the tourism and hospitality industries in Wales for 2024. wales-visitor-economy-profile-2024Download
North Wales Tourism have and are still working hard on behalf it’s members on issues that are affecting the industry. We are in constant contact with the local MSs and MPs on these issues and are also lobbying side by side and working closely with the Wales Tourism Alliance to drive forward the importance of the industry to the economy of Wales and the effects and implications of these issues on the businesses and industry as a whole. We are also working closely with the local press and media to raise the issues affecting us to make sure the voice of our valuable industry is heard. Amongst the issues we […]
Calling North Wales businesses – funding and support available. Want to become a greener business? Not sure where to start? The Green Digital Academy from Busnes@LlandrilloMenai supports businesses to achieve net-zero targets – and it’s fully funded! Open to micro, small and medium sized businesses in all sectors. Sign-up today: #LevellingUp #FundedbyUKGovernment ———————————- Galw ar fusnesau’r gogledd – arian a chefnogaeth ar gael. Ydych chi eisiau bod yn gwmni fwy gwyrdd? Ond ddim yn siŵr sut? Mae Academi Ddigidol Werdd gan Busnes@LlandrilloMenai yn cefnogi busnesau gogledd Cymru i gyrraedd eu targedau sero-net, am ddim! Ar gael i fusnesau micro, bach a chanolig mewn unrhyw sector. Cofrestrwch heddiw:…/projects/green-digital-academy #LevellingUp #FundedbyUKGovernment
You are invited to join us and hear from industry experts. The event will also provide you with an opportunity of networking with members from the industry and to gather information from trade stands. Topics include: Go North Wales Update Tourism Xchange Great Britain Destination Dilemmas: Exploring Tourism Issues in Wales: Uniqueness of Managing a Key Tourism Destination Overview of Issues 182 Days Threshold Workplace Recycling Spotlight on Arts in Business The Power of Welshness Food & Drink – how sourcing welsh food and can help your tourism business plus summary of support currently available for tourism and food and drink businesses Unlock the £15.5 Billion Accessible Tourism Market – […]
Let your Money Work for you!!! Spillane & Co. Wealth Management Ltd has kindly offered to host another Financial Awareness Seminar for North Wales Tourism members. Spillane and Company have a proven track record of presenting financial awareness / pre-retirement / early retirement seminars and workshops to both the public and private sectors. Professional speakers will present and discuss topics designed to help attendees make key decisions that will define their future years and include: What your financial future looks like and how to build a secure and comfortable future How to plan and grow your savings whilst reducing your tax liability Pension and Commutation – What are your entitlements? […]