About Eirlys Jones

Eirlys is the Commercial Director at North Wales Tourism and can be contacted at eirlys.jones@gonorthwales.org.uk or connect with her on LinkedIn you can also follow her on Twitter @EirlysJones5

COVID Pass for events and nightclubs announced

The requirement to show an NHS COVID Pass will come into force from 11 October. It will mean all over-18s will need to have a NHS COVID Pass to enter: NightclubsIndoor, non-seated events for more than 500 people, such as concerts or conventionsOutdoor non-seated events for more than 4,000 peopleAny setting or event with more than 10,000 people in attendance People who are fully vaccinated in Wales can already download the NHS COVID Pass to securely show and share their vaccine status. It also allows people to show they have had a negative lateral flow test result within the last 48 hours. https://gov.wales/covid-pass-for-events-and-nightclubs-announced https://gov.wales/written-statement-review-health-protection-coronavirus-restriction-no5-wales-regulations-2020-12

Give your business a boost by winning £25,000!

Simply Business are giving away £25,000 to one lucky entrepreneur – to start, grow or revive their small business. To enter, you’ll need to complete an online form detailing why you think you deserve the grant. The Judges are looking for: your storya big dreampositive social impactinnovationa thought-out plan The closing date is 17 September 2021. https://www.simplybusiness.co.uk/business-boost/

New chair welcomed after turbulent time for the tourism industry in Wales

A new chair has been appointed to lead the Wales Tourism Alliance (WTA) which represents all sectors of tourism industry in Wales. Suzy Davies officially takes over from Professor Andrew Campbell, who has spent more than three years in the voluntary post, on September 9. Mrs Davies is a former Conservative Member of the National Assembly for Wales, now known as Senedd Cymru. Pembrokeshire-based Mr Campbell, a Professor of Practice in Tourism at the University of Wales Trinity St David and a tourism consultant, has helped steer the tourism industry through the Covid-19 pandemic, one of the most difficult periods in its history. “Whilst it is with some sadness that […]

Live Events Reinsurance Scheme

The Government has announced the launch of a new Live Events Reinsurance Scheme which will offer cost indemnification if an event has to be cancelled, postponed, relocated or abandoned due to new UK Civil Authority restrictions in response to COVID-19. All live events including music festivals, conferences and business events are eligible to purchase that additional cover, which will be available alongside standard commercial events insurance. The key features of the scheme are: It will cover live events that are open to the general public and are physically located in the UK. This includes live music events, festivals, sports events, trade shows and business events. Private events such as weddings […]

The Business Visits & Events Partnership (BVEP) launches “Shape of Events” Report

The Business Visits & Events Partnership (BVEP), the umbrella body and advocacy group representing the UK events sector, has today published its Shape of Events Report.The report was sponsored by brand communications agency davies tanner, and contains several headline findings, including: Overall event activity was down 95% across the UK during the past 12 monthsThe BVEP estimates the UK events industry lost £57 billion of value from the pre-pandemic level of £70 billion17% of event and exhibition businesses permanently ceased trading during 2020126,000 jobs were lost during the same period However, the BVEP finds that the pandemic has also been a catalyst for change and innovation across the entire events […]

National Lottery Days Out Campaign

Visit Britain are working with the National Lottery on a UK-wide consumer promotion, to support the domestic tourism industry by stimulating demand for off-season domestic day trips to visitor attractions, excursions, tours and theatres. Attractions, theatres, tours and excursions with an access fee are all eligible to take part, subject to availability and meeting criteria. If you are interested please contact VB to secure your inclusion at daysoutcampaign@visitbritain.org Further information about the campaign is available below https://www.visitbritain.org/national-lottery-days-out-campaign-faqs

Have your say on local taxes on second homes and holiday lets

Views are being sought on potential changes to local taxes which could be used by local authorities to tackle the effects that large numbers of second homes and commercial holiday lets can have in some parts of Wales.Welsh Government are also asking for views and evidence on the criteria used to define a property as self-catering accommodation for local tax purposes. Consultation ends 17 November 2021 https://gov.wales/local-taxes-second-homes-and-self-catering-accommodation

Creu Conwy – Creating the Spark, a Cultural Strategy for Conwy County Borough 2021-2026

Have your say on the new cultural strategy for Conwy county. Creu Conwy – Creating the Spark; A Cultural Strategy for Conwy County 2021-2026 is the foundation of the City of Culture bid, and the Council are now embarking on a period of public consultation. Conwy County Council have been working on a new Cultural Strategy that will deliver their priority that Conwy is a County where culture, heritage and the Welsh language thrive. The ideas in the strategy have emerged from conversations with organisations and individuals across the region over the last two years, but it is very much a work in progress. Now it is the turn of […]

Update on universal guidance and Action Cards

Please be advised that a series of ACTION CARDS have been published.  These are quick summary guides to support various sectors and align to the universal guidance that is also published. Main Action Card “Homepage”:  ENG: https://gov.wales/reasonable-measures-action-cards-businesses-and-organisations-coronavirus and CYM: https://llyw.cymru/cardiau-gweithredu-mesurau-rhesymol-ar-gyfer-busnesau-sefydliadau-coronafeirws They include: 1.     Retail premises 2.     Hospitality venues, 3.     Events 4.     Close Contact services, 5.     Places of Worship 6.     Tourism businesses such as accommodation, visitor attractions etc 7.     Nightclubs music venues and adult entertainment venues Events: ENG: https://gov.wales/events-potential-reasonable-measures-action-card-coronavirus and CYM: https://llyw.cymru/digwyddiadau-cerdyn-gweithredu-mesurau-rhesymol-posibl-coronafeirws A reminder that the Core Universal Guidance which was published when Wales went into Alert Level Zero on Saturday 7th August 2021 is listed as below. These are all bilingual and printable. ·       Core Universal Guidance for Public: https://gov.wales/alert-level-0-guidance-public https://llyw.cymru/lefel-rhybudd-0-canllawiau-ir-cyhoedd ·       Core Universal Guidance for Businesses, Employers, Organisations, […]