About Eirlys Jones

Eirlys is the Commercial Director at North Wales Tourism and can be contacted at eirlys.jones@gonorthwales.org.uk or connect with her on LinkedIn you can also follow her on Twitter @EirlysJones5

Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Schemes and Future Fund – close end of November

The four temporary loan schemes that were designed to support UK businesses that are losing revenue and seeing their cashflow disrupted as a result of the COVID-19 outbreak close on 30 November 2020 for new applications. Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CBILS)Coronavirus Large Business Interruption Loan Scheme (CLBILS)Bounce Back Loan Scheme (BBLS)Future Fund For further information please visit the British Business Bank website: Coronavirus Business Interruption Loan Schemes and Future Fund

Go North Wales Tourism November Trade News

We appreciate that it is an extremely difficult, worrying and complex time for many businesses and individuals across North Wales with the COVID-19 pandemic but as the situation evolves it’s important to know that we are here to support you. We continue to monitor the circumstances as they are developing and also continue to engage with MPs and MSs, lobbying on issues on your behalf and making sure your voice is heard. If you have any questions/queries please do not hesitate to contact us, by email (contacts below), social media channels, online chat on the Trade website or phone. Please email jim.jones@gonorthwales.org.uk; eirlys.jones@gonorthwales.org.uk or deborah.nettleton@gonorthwales.org.uk with any issues etc you […]

North Wales Trade Impact Survey Results – Lockdowns and Tourism, Hospitality, Retail, Leisure Sector

A snapshot Trade impact Survey across Tourism, Hospitality, Retail, Leisuresectors and their supply chains looking at how lockdown has affected NorthWales businesses and the business outlook if any further lockdowns are put in place. The survey was conducted by North Wales Tourism with support from theNorth Wales Mersey Dee Business Council. Carried out over 4 days from Weds 21st October with 364 businesses responding from across the region. Data-Impact-Oct-2020-SendDownload

New national Covid measures for Wales following Firebreak – 9 November

The new national measures include: The need to maintain two metre social distancing and wear face masks in enclosed public places, including on public transport and taxis, will continueThe requirement to work from home whenever possible will remainPeople should only meet with their ‘bubble’ in their own home and only two households will be able to form a ‘bubble’. If one person from either household develops symptoms, everyone should immediately self-isolateUp to 15 people can take part in an organised indoors activity and up to 30 in an organised activity outdoors, providing all social distancing, hand hygiene and other covid safety measures are followedAll premises, such as restaurants, cafes, pubs […]

Local Lockdown Business Fund – Applications Open

The local lockdown business fund is now open for applications. This is a fund to provide financial assistance to businesses that are facing operational and financial challenges caused by the national lockdown announced for Wales as a result of COVID-19. The purpose of the fund is to support businesses with cash flow support to help them survive the economic consequences of the restrictions put in place. The grant will be open to applications from the 28 October 2020 and will close at 5pm on 20 November 2020 OR when the fund is fully committed. Links to the relevant section within the Local Authority websites is below for your information: Anglesey […]

Welsh tourism chiefs unveil 12 point plan once Wales exits its firebreak

A 12 point “Request List” has been submitted to Welsh Government by the Wales Tourism Alliance, a membership organisation who provides a united, collective voice on behalf of all member organisations in Wales, which is needed between the industry and the government departments. It is to be hoped that points raised will generate discussion with policy makers – and will also influence future planning activities. https://www.business-live.co.uk/economic-development/welsh-tourism-chiefs-unveil-12-19173412