We appreciate that it remains to be an extremely difficult, worrying and complex time for many businesses and individuals across North Wales with the COVID-19 pandemic but please remember that we are here to support you.
We continue to monitor the circumstances as they are developing and also continue to engage with MPs and MSs, lobbying on issues on your behalf and making sure your voice is heard.
North Wales Tourism engaged extensively with all parties ahead of the election and will continue to do so. We’ve already had meetings with some of the returning and newly elected members of the Senedd representatives and will continue to engage with them on the priorities to support tourism businesses through the next stages of our recovery from Coronavirus.
If you have any questions/queries please do not hesitate to contact us, by email (contacts below), social media channels, online chat on the Trade website or phone. Please email jim.jones@gonorthwales.org.uk; eirlys.jones@gonorthwales.org.uk or deborah.nettleton@gonorthwales.org.uk with any issues etc you may have.
Please also make sure that you are kept up to date with all the information as they happen by visiting our Trade site www.northwalestourism.com and following us on our NWTBiz social media platforms (facebook and twitter), all of which are regularly updated.
Keep safe, we’re in this together.
Website listing – Updating your Details
Your individual listing on our website is your main opportunity to present your business to the public. However, like any advertising it must be regularly maintained to ensure that it is correct, current and really works for you.
- When did you last check it?
- When did you last update it?
- Are your pictures great?
- Is your listing better than that of competitors?
Please login and update your entry on the Go North Wales website. If you require a reminder of your login details or assistance in updating your details please contact Anthony Woodhouse on 01492 539051 or email digital@gonorthwales.org.uk.
Facebook/Twitter – Do you Follow Us
Don’t forget, if you are on social media you can follow us on both Facebook, Twitter and Instagram @nwtbiz @gonorthwales – so if you have content that you would like us to share, let us know and we’ll promote it to our audience! If possible please link to our destination platforms in your posts so that we can see you and share. Social Media and digital marketing are very important parts of the modern marketing mix and a great way to get your business promoted. Remember, we can’t share your social media stories if we don’t know about them.
NWTBiz Facebook Forum

We have a closed Facebook group specifically for members where you can discuss issues, ask for help as well as support each other in our collected aim to make our region one of the top UK tourist destinations. You will need to request to join this by searching NWTBiz and we will accept you as a member.

All members can create special offers at no cost.  They show on the special offers page on the gonorthwales website and it is another sales opportunity that is free to use.  At present this facility is under used. If you would like to submit your offer to include on our website please follow the link http://submit-offer.gonorth.wales/
Banner Adverts

These are adverts, separate from your normal web listing that show on the home page and the sub- pages.  Adverts cost from £200 and when clicked the user is taken to a location defined by the advertiser, usually the member’s own website, rather than your page on our site. For further information on banner advertising please contact digital@gonorthwales.org.uk.

Our main means of communication with you, our members, is by email. We send out regular email messages to all members or to specific sections of the membership. We try to restrict the number of emails to key topics but also send out regular newsletters covering minor topics. Old copies of newsletters are available online.
In addition to emails, we post short-term news on our closed Facebook Group.
Members’ website – www.northwalestourism.com
The members website is another important source of information. Do look at it regularly for information on training courses, offers and discounts, forthcoming meetings and reports on past meetings. You will also find information about membership, managing your web page, details of the Board, latest research documents and strategies and much more.
Tell us your news
Do keep us informed about your business.
- If you send out press releases or newsletters, do ensure that we are on the distribution list – digital@gonorthwales.org.uk
- Tell us about business developments, any new plans you may have and your successes.
Obviously we like to hear what you are doing, but more importantly we use the information to promote your business and the area in the following ways, all of which are free to you.
- Social Media
- We have a news page on our website. We are regularly publishing articles each week and most are news from our members.
- Inclusion in our regular members’ newsletters
We want to share your stories
Got something you would like us to share on The Go North Wales social media channels?
We’d love to share your:
- Reopening news
- New attraction / facilities news
- Refurbished accommodation news
Contact leah.edwards@gonorthwales.org.uk for more details!
Visitor Attraction Familiarisation Passes
Just a reminder the NWT Visitor Attraction Familiarisation Passes are suspended and have been since March 2020. We will not be resurrecting this in 2021 but hope to have a new pass etc available for 2022. We feel the Attractions and Activities like all of us need full paying customers for the time we are allowed to be open.
Recruitment Issues
Thank you to those of you who responded regarding recruitment issues that you are experiencing.
All of the information has now been collated and is being used to raise the issue at different levels to see what can be done to address the situation. We’ve already started with the Regional Skills Partnerships, meetings with MSs and MPs and DWP.
COVID-19 Economic Resilience Fund (ERF) Business Support – May and June 2021 Eligibility Checker
Businesses in Wales still affected by coronavirus restrictions will be able to claim up to £25,000 more in support to help meet ongoing costs.
The grants will help meet operating costs (excluding staff wages) for the period 1 May 2021 to 30 June 2021. Specifically, the ERF will support businesses that are either:
a) Forced to remain closed by regulations between 1 May 2021 and 30 June 2021
b) Unable to open indoors between 1 May 2021 and 17 May 2021
c) A venue which caters exclusively for weddings and events with a regulatory restriction capacity of 30 guests
d) A supply chain business that generates 60% or more of its sales revenue from businesses falling into categories a), b) and/or c)
And (applies to all):
Have experienced a material negative impact through reduced turnover of 60% or more in May 2021 and June 2021 as compared to May 2019 and June 2019 caused directly by on-going COVID-19 restrictions.
Applications for the ERF opened on the 24 May 2021 and will close at 5pm 7 June 2021.
Live Performances
The guidance on live performances has been updated and is now available in the UK Hospitality Wales Guidance.
IPS Figures for 2020
ONS has published the final International Passenger Survey figures for 2020. The headline stats are:
- Overseas residents made 11.1 million visits to the UK in 2020; this was 73% fewer than in 2019 as travel reduced because of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.
- Overseas residents spent £6.2 billion on their visits to the UK in 2020; this was 78% less than in 2019.
- UK residents made 23.8 million visits abroad in 2020, which was 74% fewer than the previous year because of the coronavirus pandemic.
UK residents spent £13.8 billion on visits abroad in 2020; this was 78% less than in 2019. On the inbound side, the 78% reduction in expenditure equates for a loss of £22.3bn for the UK economy. This, in turn, equates to around 370,000 jobs that have been put at risk. In addition, the 78% decline in outbound expenditure equates to a loss on a further £25bn to businesses in the UK such as tour operators, travel agents and transport operators which puts a further 700,000 jobs at risk.
Business Impacts of Coronavirus : May 2021
ONS has produced experimental estimates from the voluntary fortnightly business survey (BICS), for single site businesses only, on topics such as trading status, financial performance, workforce and business resilience. Geographical breakdowns include country, regional and local authority levels.
Fire safety guidance document for persons who own / operate small self-catering holiday accommodation
North Wales Fire & Rescue in partnership with Mid & West and South Wales Fire and Rescue Services have recently released a fire safety guidance document for persons who own / operate small self-catering holiday accommodation.
Brown and white tourism signage – updated guidance available
Tourist signs are distinctive brown signs with white text used to direct drivers to a tourist destination in the final stages of their journey. Updated guidance for this signage is now available.
Business Rates Wales Update Form VO 6048
Of note the many of you will shortly, if you have not yet, be receiving Form VO 6048 from the Valuation Office. It is a legal requirement to fill in this form with ever increasing fines for non-compliance. The purpose of the forms is for the Valuation Office to gather data to try to ensure that the revaluation of all Rateable Values is done based on as much information as possible. WTA Members, PASC UK has very kindly supplied a handy guide on how to fill in this form available on https://www.pascuk.co.uk/publications second row down on the right on the page.
The Power of Now
This is your invitation to join Global for their latest webinar where you’ll get insight and ideas on how to give your business a boost by reaching new customers and taking advantage of the economic boom.

When? – Tuesday 8th June at 10am
Electric Car Charging Points

Costs start from £695 + VAT for a 32amp socket charger.
Solar panels installation also available to help holiday properties become greener and reduce their running costs, especially if they have hot tubs and electric car points.
Further information available by calling 08450 34 35 40, emailing info@carbonzerorenewables.co.uk or visit www.carbonzerorenewables.co.uk
Training Courses and Recruitment Support

Further information available by visiting www.nwtraining.co.uk/learners/apprenticeships, emailing hello@nwtraining.co.uk or calling 01492 543431
Cyber Resilience Centre for Wales
How the Cyber Resilience Centre for Wales (WCRC) supports businesses in the region.
For more information visit www.wcrcentre.co.uk

Pub is the Hub – community grants
Grants of up to £3,000 are available to enable rural pub owners, licensees, and local communities to work together to help support and sustain local services in England, Scotland and Wales.
Pub is the Hub’s Community Services Fund will assist projects which support the needs of local communities by using pubs to offer a new service or replace a service that has already been lost, such as a local shop, library, post office or community centre, or encouraging the local sourcing of products, providing school meals, IT training and church services.
Funding will support projects where no other local funding for services currently exists.
Applications can be submitted at any time.For further information please visit the Pub is the Hub website.
Workshop and Masterclasses for June 2021