Tourism Exchange Great Britain (TXGB) and Visit Wales Opportunities – An Opportunity and Request for Feedback

The Tourism Exchange Great Britain (TXGB) platform has already been successfully rolled out across England, Scotland and Northern Ireland through the work of Visit Britain and Visit Wales has now licensed the platform for Wales businesses providing tourism suppliers with a central digital marketplace to contract and connect their content, availability and pricing with a diverse range of distributors in one go and manage this in one place which will be the platform that they use globally.

Visit Wales are assessing the current position for Wales businesses in terms of bookability and marketing.  They are looking at whether you as a tourism business would be interested in becoming part of the Tourism Exchange Great Britain platform and also engage further with Visit Wales opportunities.

To help with this we would be grateful if you could spare 2 minutes of your time to complete the survey below.

Many thanks for your co-operation.


Cyfleoedd Cyfnewid Twristiaeth Prydain Fawr (TXGB) a Croeso Cymru – Cyfleon a Chais am Adborth

Mae platfform Cyfnewidfa Twristiaeth Prydain Fawr (TXGB) eisoes wedi’i gyflwyno’n llwyddiannus ledled Lloegr, yr Alban a Gogledd Iwerddon drwy waith Visit Britain ac mae Croeso Cymru bellach wedi trwyddedu’r llwyfan i fusnesau Cymru sy’n darparu marchnad ddigidol ganolog i gyflenwyr twristiaeth gontractio ac cysylltu eu cynnwys, argaeledd a phrisiau ag ystod amrywiol o ddosbarthwyr ar yr un pryd a rheoli hyn mewn un lle, sef y platfform y byddant yn ei ddefnyddio’n fyd-eang.

Mae Croeso Cymru yn asesu’r sefyllfa bresennol ar gyfer busnesau Cymru o ran y gallu i archebu a marchnata. Maen nhw’n edrych i weld a fyddai gennych chi fel busnes twristiaeth ddiddordeb mewn dod yn rhan o lwyfan Cyfnewidfa Twristiaeth Prydain Fawr a hefyd ymgysylltu ymhellach â chyfleoedd Croeso Cymru.

I helpu gyda hyn byddem yn ddiolchgar petaech yn gallu sbario 2 funud o’ch amser i gwblhau’r arolwg isod.

Diolch yn fawr am eich cydweithrediad.

About Eirlys Jones

Eirlys is the Commercial Director at North Wales Tourism and can be contacted at or connect with her on LinkedIn you can also follow her on Twitter @EirlysJones5