About Eirlys Jones

Eirlys is the Commercial Director at North Wales Tourism and can be contacted at eirlys.jones@gonorthwales.org.uk or connect with her on LinkedIn you can also follow her on Twitter @EirlysJones5

New smoke-free requirements are coming on 1 March 2022

The Welsh Government introduced new smoking legislation in Wales on 1 March 2021.  For the tourism industry, the new laws mean that the current exemption to the smoking ban which enables smoking to take place in self-contained holiday and temporary accommodation as well as in designated smoking bedrooms in hotels, guesthouses etc. will end on 1 March 2022. The measures, designed to denormalise smoking and protect more people from the dangers of second-hand smoke, mean that from 1 March 2022, it will be against the law to smoke in these areas and fines could be issued.  All types of self-contained accommodation will be covered by the new smoke-free requirements such […]

Rule changes on hold for 4 weeks as delta spreads

First Minister Mark Drakeford will announce a 4-week pause to the coronavirus rules on Friday (June 18) to help boost protection against the new delta variant. The Welsh Government reviewed the public health situation this week, mid-way through the current three-week regulations cycle, after announcing a phased move into alert level one. The rules around larger outdoor activities and events were relaxed on June 7. While WG will not be making any substantive changes to the rules, they are making some minor and technical amendments to the coronavirus regulations to make them easier to understand and easier to apply for businesses.WG will amend the regulations so from Monday 21 June: […]

NTG Tourism Sector Skills Toolkit

The Tourism Sector Skills Toolkit consists of a set of resources with guidance notes on how they can be used by educational establishments, training providers, employers, government departments, and individuals to enable them to review the green, social and digital requirements within the hospitality and tourism sector and to use the toolkit to support them in developing and/or updating their resources. The Tourism Sector Skills Toolkit can be used to: Map against existing training and qualifications, job profiles, training needs analysis, job descriptions, responsibilities, tasks, etc. for the stakeholder to identify skills, knowledge, and behaviors already present and identify gaps.Inform and support the development of curriculum and training programmes within […]

Domestic Support Fund

A new fund supporting the events industry recovery will provide financial support to not-for-profit organisations hosting domestic business events from 21 June to 17 December 2021. The new Domestic Support Fund is designed to offer financial support to kick start the return of business events and to showcase that the UK is ready to meet again and has adapted to new ways of meeting in a COVID-19 secure environment. https://www.visitbritain.org/domestic-support-fund

Digital Marketing and Online Tools for Food and Drink Producers

Superfast Business Wales’ free two-part webinar tailored for Welsh food and drink producers. Learn how to use digital marketing to reach customers and get cash in the bank, as well as online tools to help you better manage your business, stock and customers – such as CRM and booking systems, accounting and more https://businesswales.gov.wales/superfastbusinesswales/events/food-and-drink-producers-webinars-may-aug-2021

Tourism Exchange Great Britain (TXGB) – An Opportunity and Request for Feedback

Visit Wales has been negotiating with VisitBritain to provide Wales destinations and suppliers with access to the Tourism Exchange Great Britain (TXGB) platform.  TXGB is a central digital marketplace that enables tourism suppliers to contract and connect their content, availability and pricing with a diverse range of distributors in one go and manage this in one place.  It enables each participant to better manage their data and use it to develop smarter marketing campaigns, in line with GDPR.  The way it works means that all buyers and sellers can take part with no barriers to entry.  It is also a way for suppliers and distributors not trading online to start doing so quickly and easily.  (Further information is […]

Economy Minister confirms further Welsh Government support for businesses impacted by phased move to alert level 1

Businesses in Wales materially affected by the phased move to alert level 1, such as indoor attractions and wedding venues, will receive £2.5 million in further support from Welsh Government, Economy Minister, Vaughan Gething, has announced today. To receive the funding, businesses will need to have applied to the Welsh Government’s latest round of emergency funding, the deadline for which has been extended until 12pm Wednesday 16 June 2021. Eligible applicants will automatically receive the top-up where possible, or will be required to self-declare via a simple online process. Details are available on the Business Wales website: COVID-19 Economic Resilience Fund (ERF) Business Support – May and June 2021 Eligibility […]

Tourism Recovery Plan

The Tourism Recovery Plan sets out the role that the UK government will play in assisting and accelerating the tourism sector’s recovery from COVID-19. In November 2020, as part of the Global Travel Taskforce report, the UK government made a commitment to publish a Tourism Recovery Plan in 2021. The plan represents an important milestone in the recovery of the tourism sector from the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. It will ensure the tourism sector is well placed to reach its full potential and contribute to the UK government’s ambitious overall plan for growth. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/tourism-recovery-plan https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/992974/Tourism_Recovery_Plan__Web_Accessible_.pdf Tourism_Recovery_Plan__Web_Accessible_Download

North Wales Tourism Annual Trade Meeting / Cyfarfod Masnach Blynyddol Twristiaeth Gogledd Cymru 2021

A Virtual Annual Trade ForumMonday 28 June 2021 at 11am NWTs annual tourism business seminar held virtually with Guest Speaker to be confirmed. There will also be an Open Forum with the Board and Staff of NWT for you to share your concerns. We are also seeking to appoint 6 directors at our AGM to serve on the Board of North Wales Tourism – 4 directors for a period of 3 years and 2 directors for a period of 1 year.  Below is a link to the nomination form which should be completed and returned to eirlys.jones@gonorthwales.org.uk at North Wales Tourism no later than noon on Friday 18th June 2021. To […]