About Eirlys Jones

Eirlys is the Commercial Director at North Wales Tourism and can be contacted at eirlys.jones@gonorthwales.org.uk or connect with her on LinkedIn you can also follow her on Twitter @EirlysJones5

Press Activity during Covid

Coronavirus lockdown estimated to have cost North Wales economy millions over Easter 15 April https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/coronavirus-lockdown-estimated-cost-north-18090051 North Wales has lost millions but we have ‘great resilience‘ 15 April https://www.baysideradio.co.uk/news/north-wales-has-lost-millions-but-we-have-great-resilience-1731 North Wales tourism takes £100m hit 16 April https://www.insidermedia.com/news/wales/north-wales-tourism-takes-100m-hit Welsh tourism chiefs want ‘exit strategy’ from coronavirus lockdown as survey reveals pain of sector 22 April https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/welsh-tourism-chiefs-want-exit-18127951 Second home crackdown hitting genuine tourism operators being ‘punished for foolishness’ of others 24 April https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/second-home-crackdown-hitting-genuine-18139173 North Wales tourism’s three-step plan for leaving lockdown – and getting visitors to return may be the easy part 9 May 2020 https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/tourism-north-wales-coronavirus-lockdown-18224691 North Wales Tourism critical of Welsh Government ‘inaction’ 11 June 2020 https://www.baysideradio.co.uk/news/north-wales-tourism-critical-of-welsh-government-inaction-2094 People are claimed to […]

Local lockdowns FAQs

https://gov.wales/conwy-county-borough-lockdown-frequently-asked-questions https://gov.wales/flintshire-county-council-lockdown-frequently-asked-questions https://gov.wales/wrexham-county-borough-lockdown-frequently-asked-questions https://gov.wales/denbighshire-county-lockdown-frequently-asked-questions

North Wales local lockdowns announced by Welsh Government

The new measures will come into force at 6pm on Thursday 1 October. The new restrictions mean: People will not be allowed to enter or leave each of these areas without a reasonable excuse, such as travel for work or education;People will only be able to meet people they don’t live with outdoors for the time being. They will not be able to form, or be in, extended households;The restrictions will mean visitors from England or other parts of Wales will not be able to come to the four counties for a holiday. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-54346608

£140 million to support Welsh businesses

The Welsh Government is making an additional £140 million available to businesses to help them deal with the economic challenges of coronavirus (COVID-19) and the UK’s impending exit from the EU, Economy Minister Ken Skates has announced.-£60 million will be allocated to support businesses impacted by local lockdown restrictions. -£80 million worth of business development grants will be open to micro businesses, SMEs and large businesses with £20m ringfenced to tourism and hospitality -Companies that received grant funding through phases one and two of the ERF, or Non-Domestic Rate linked support, could also be eligible for phase three of the ERF.https://gov.wales/140-million-support-welsh-businesses

Announcements from the Chancellor this afternoon

1. Job Support Scheme: introduced from 1 November to protect viable jobs in businesses who are facing lower demand over the winter months due to coronavirus. Will run for six monthsEmployers will continue to pay the wages of staff for the hours they work – but for the hours not worked, the government and the employer will each pay one third of their equivalent salary.This means employees who can only go back to work on shorter time will still be paid two thirds of the hours for those hours they can’t workIn order to support only viable jobs, employees must be working at least 33% of their usual hours. The […]

UK Chancellor anounces new Job Support Scheme

New Jobs Support Scheme will be launched for employees working at least a third of their normal hours, who are being paid for that as normal. The government and employers will jointly increase their wages to cover two-thirds of their lost pay and the employee will keep their jobAll small and medium-sized businesses are eligible, but larger businesses must show their turnover has fallen during the crisis. Employers can use it even if they have not previous used the furlough scheme it replacesIt will run for six months from NovemberThe existing grant for self-employed people is being extended on similar terms to the Jobs Support SchemeA “pay as you grow” […]

NHS COVID-19 app: guidance for businesses and organisations

From 24 September NHS Covid-19 app users will be able to scan (check-in) as they enter a venue. If people who visited the venue test positive for coronavirus, other app users who were there at the same time may be sent an alert. The app notification will never mention the name of your venue, it will just let app users know that they may have come into contact with coronavirus. The new NHS COVID-19 App will not provide an alternative for hospitality businesses and other high-risk settings for keeping records of staff, customers and visitors to assist with TTP, in case of an outbreak. This means that in Wales it […]

Keeping records of staff, customers, and visitors: Test, Trace, Protect (TTP)

The new NHS COVID-19 App (mentioned above) will not provide an alternative for hospitality businesses and other high-risk settings for keeping records of staff, customers and visitors to assist with TTP, in case of an outbreak. This means that in Wales it will still remain a legal requirement for pubs, bars, cafes and restaurants to collect and retain contact information of staff, visitors and customers for 21 days, regardless of whether they are displaying an official QR code poster associated with the new NHS COVID-19 App. Whilst businesses will be encouraged to display the QR code poster, the App does not cover the requirement associated with this guidance, so details […]