About Eirlys Jones

Eirlys is the Commercial Director at North Wales Tourism and can be contacted at eirlys.jones@gonorthwales.org.uk or connect with her on LinkedIn you can also follow her on Twitter @EirlysJones5

Bangor Lockdown

New coronavirus restrictions are being introduced in Bangor following a sharp rise in cases, First Minister Mark Drakeford tonight confirmed. The new measures will come into force at 6pm on Saturday October 10 to protect people’s health and control the spread of the virus. The new restrictions will apply to everyone living in eight wards, which make up the city of Bangor. People will not be allowed to enter or leave the area without a reasonable excuse, such as travel for work or education;People will only be able to meet people they don’t live with outdoors for the time being. They will not be able to form, or be in, […]

Job Support Scheme expanded to firms required to close due to Covid Restrictions

Employees who work for UK firms forced to shut by law because of coronavirus restrictions will get two-thirds of their wages paid for by the government. Chancellor Rishi Sunak said it was an “expansion” of the Job Support Scheme, which begins on 1 November and will be available for six months. Job Support Scheme will be expanded to support businesses across the UK required to close their premises due to coronavirus restrictionsgovernment will pay two thirds of employees’ salaries to protect jobs over the coming monthscash grants for businesses required to close in local lockdowns also increased to up to £3,000 per month The government will support eligible businesses by […]

Your Home Your County

North Wales Tourism have created a website to promote businesses open in each of the County Authorities for local residents, during these unprecedented times local residents have an opportunity to rediscover what is on offer on their doorstep, so with this in mind if you are open during this period and would like to promote your business to your County residents please follow the link and complete the form, if you have an offer etc please also add this to the form https://yourhomeyourcounty.wales/login-registration/ If you prefer to send your details to be inputted by us please provide the following information and email to digital@gonorthwales.org.uk: Business nameContact detailsDescription of business and […]

Economic Resilience Fund 3 – Welsh Government Funding for businesses

Please see below link and details for the newly announced Economic Resilience Fund 3, Welsh Government Funding for businesses. This relates to the Economic Resilience Fund Business Development Grants portion of ERF 3 (£80m). The detail/eligibility on the remaining £60m of ERF 3, the Local Lockdown Business Fund that will support businesses impacted by local restrictions, has yet to be released. Link: https://fundchecker.businesswales.gov.wales/erfphase3 Some key points from our first pass of the detail available: The Welsh Government considers businesses and organisations eligible for this grant even if they have received funding from ERF Phase 1 or 2 or the Non Domestic Rates Grant. The grant fund will be open for applications […]

Press Activity during Covid

Coronavirus lockdown estimated to have cost North Wales economy millions over Easter 15 April https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/coronavirus-lockdown-estimated-cost-north-18090051 North Wales has lost millions but we have ‘great resilience‘ 15 April https://www.baysideradio.co.uk/news/north-wales-has-lost-millions-but-we-have-great-resilience-1731 North Wales tourism takes £100m hit 16 April https://www.insidermedia.com/news/wales/north-wales-tourism-takes-100m-hit Welsh tourism chiefs want ‘exit strategy’ from coronavirus lockdown as survey reveals pain of sector 22 April https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/welsh-tourism-chiefs-want-exit-18127951 Second home crackdown hitting genuine tourism operators being ‘punished for foolishness’ of others 24 April https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/north-wales-news/second-home-crackdown-hitting-genuine-18139173 North Wales tourism’s three-step plan for leaving lockdown – and getting visitors to return may be the easy part 9 May 2020 https://www.dailypost.co.uk/news/tourism-north-wales-coronavirus-lockdown-18224691 North Wales Tourism critical of Welsh Government ‘inaction’ 11 June 2020 https://www.baysideradio.co.uk/news/north-wales-tourism-critical-of-welsh-government-inaction-2094 People are claimed to […]

Local lockdowns FAQs

https://gov.wales/conwy-county-borough-lockdown-frequently-asked-questions https://gov.wales/flintshire-county-council-lockdown-frequently-asked-questions https://gov.wales/wrexham-county-borough-lockdown-frequently-asked-questions https://gov.wales/denbighshire-county-lockdown-frequently-asked-questions

North Wales local lockdowns announced by Welsh Government

The new measures will come into force at 6pm on Thursday 1 October. The new restrictions mean: People will not be allowed to enter or leave each of these areas without a reasonable excuse, such as travel for work or education;People will only be able to meet people they don’t live with outdoors for the time being. They will not be able to form, or be in, extended households;The restrictions will mean visitors from England or other parts of Wales will not be able to come to the four counties for a holiday. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-politics-54346608