About Eirlys Jones

Eirlys is the Commercial Director at North Wales Tourism and can be contacted at eirlys.jones@gonorthwales.org.uk or connect with her on LinkedIn you can also follow her on Twitter @EirlysJones5

Good To Go / Barod Amdani

Visit Wales are launching a ‘Good To Go/Barod Amdani’ scheme on Friday; it will be a free accreditation scheme for all tourism and events businesses to give customer confidence that we are Covid-aware – you do not have to be VW accredited to apply. There will be a 14 question online assessment and you will need to undertake a risk assessment and you will receive a certificate (downloadable) as well as other digital certifiers. The website – (https://goodtogo.visitbritain.com) – will go live next week. All information will be on the Visit Wales website and WTA website on Friday. NWT will post to our own website under the Covid section as […]

First Minister Announces further steps to unlock Wales

Retailers will be able to resume trading if they can take all reasonable measures to comply with the physical distancing duty in Welsh law to reduce the spread of coronavirus and protect shop workers and shoppers. The changes are part of a comprehensive package of measures being introduced step by step every Monday over the next 3 weeks. Pupils will return to schools on 29 June and the requirement to stay local will be lifted, if conditions allow on 6 July. Ministers have decided to lift the requirement to stay local on 6 July, provided the conditions allow. With the requirement lifted, people will be able to travel to tourist […]

Coronavirus regulations: Changes from Monday 22nd June

Summary all non-essential shops in Wales will be able to re-openenabling private prayer in places of worship where social distancing is maintained and gatherings do not take placerestarting the housing market by enabling house viewings to take place in vacant properties and house moves where a sale has been agreed but not yet completedlifting the restrictions on outdoor sports courts but social distancing must be maintained. No contact or team sports will be allowedenabling non-professional elite athletes, including Olympic and Paralympic hopefuls, to resume training The requirement to stay local and not generally travelling more than 5 miles from home remains in place. However, new guidance will make it clear people […]

Download a template if you’re claiming for 100 or more employees through the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme

If you’re claiming on or after 1 July 2020 for 100 or more employees, you’ll need to upload a file containing each of the employee’s: full nameNational Insurance number (or payroll reference number if you do not have this)payroll reference number (sometimes called a pay identify or staff number)furlough start and end date (using the format DD/MM/YYYY)full amount claimed (pounds and pence)normal hours (using decimals, for example 7.5)actual hours worked (using decimals)furloughed hours (using decimals) You’ll need to ensure that you: provide only the employee information requested here – you might be asked againsubmit one line per employee for the whole perioddo not break up the calculation into multiple periods […]

Emerging Futures Fund

£1 million Emerging Futures Fund launched to help communities across the UK move towards recovery and renewal following the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. This National Lottery Community Fund scheme is offering grants of between £20,000 and £50,000 for organisations looking at how things are changing and what is possible in the future. The deadline for applications is Thursday 25th June, 5pm Find out more here: https://www.tnlcommunityfund.org.uk/funding/programmes/emerging-futures-fund

Covid-19 NDR Grant Scheme

The Covid-19 NDR grant schemes will be closing to new applications on 30/06/20. If you are eligible and you have not already applied, please contact your local authority before this date. Any applications received after the deadline 30 June 2020 will not be considered. https://www.anglesey.gov.uk/en/Business/Business-Finance-and-Grants/Welsh-Government-Business-Grants-COVID-19.aspx https://www.conwy.gov.uk/en/Business/Apply-for-Welsh-Government-business-support.aspx https://www.denbighshire.gov.uk/en/business/business-rates/business-rates-support-during-the-covid-19-pandemic.aspx https://www.flintshire.gov.uk/en/Business/Business-Rates/Business-Rates-Covid-19-Advice.aspx https://www.gwynedd.llyw.cymru/businesscovid19 https://www.wrexham.gov.uk/service/covid-19-support-businesses https://businesswales.gov.wales/business-rates-relief-in-wales