National Form and Value report into UK Self-Catering

The Association of Scotland’s Self-Caterers (ASSC) and the Professional Association of Self-Caterers UK (PASC UK) have commissioned Frontline Consultants to carry out an Economic Impact Assessment of the Self-Catering Industry in the UK. The study will consider the economic impact of all visits made to self-catering providers in the UK and will provide a country by country and area by area breakdown of this expenditure.  It will: assess expenditure by property-owners and managers, and visitors in the local economyprovide an independent, evidence-based, understanding of the direct and indirect economic impact/contribution of the self-catering sector in Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland and Englandestimate the full-time equivalent jobs supported by the sectorassess the […]

Town Centres in Wales to benefit from £15.2 million placemaking fund

The new funding package, available to all of Wales’s Local Authorities, is designed to be as flexible as possible and will offer support for a wide range of projects, from green infrastructure developments and the creation of active travel routes, to internal and external improvements for business owners.

Budget Update – 3 March 2021

Furlough will continue until September, with no change of terms. After July, businesses will be asked for a 10% contribution, rising to 20% in August and September.Support for the self-employed will also continue until September. 600,000 self-employed people excluded from the government’s support package so far will be able to claim direct cash grants as part of an extension to the SEISS.The National Living Wage will rise to £8.91 from AprilThe 5% reduced rate of VAT will be extended for six months to 30 September followed by interim rate of 12.5% for another six months. The standard rate will not return until April next year.Contactless Payment – From today, the […]

Timetable options to improve rail performance in the north of England

The Manchester Recovery Task Force (MRTF) has opened a public consultation, running until 10 March, offering three options to alter timetabled passenger and freight services in an attempt to improve the performance of the rail network in the Manchester area.The three proposed changes would have direct impacts on Transport for Wales’ services between North Wales and Manchester. Option a: North Wales to Manchester services diverted to serve Manchester Victoria and Stalybridge stations, removing direct services between North Wales and Manchester Airport, and the removal of stops at Manchester Piccadilly and Oxford Road stations.Option b: retain the current North Wales to Manchester Airport/Manchester Piccadilly services.Option c: divert North Wales to Manchester […]