Tourism Strategy North Wales 2010-2015

The importance of tourism and the visitor economy

Tourism generates £1.8bn for the North Wales economy each year, supports an estimated 37,500 jobs and is a lifeline for numerous small businesses.
There is potential for further growth. Like an export industry tourism brings money into the region from outside and North Wales would be poorer without

North Wales accounts for a third of Wales’ tourism, attracting 8m staying visitors and an estimated 17m day trips in 2007. The majority of the visitors
are from the UK and holiday tourism predominates. Tourism is not evenly distributed across the region, the North West (Anglesey, Conwy, Gwynedd)
accounts for 75% of staying visits and 60% of day visits, with the balance of 25% of staying visits and 40% of day visits in the North East (Denbighshire,
Flintshire, Wrexham).

It is quite seasonal with 70% of trips taking place in the summer 6 months. Volumes have remained broadly static in the region over the past decade with
a slight drop in real spending although this is not dissimilar from the picture across the UK as a whole. People who do visit are loyal and show high levels
of satisfaction.

North Wales has wonderful natural assets in its countryside, mountains and coast; a variety of landscapes contained in a small area; a distinctive heritage
and culture; a good range of attractions; unrivalled scope for activities; an improving product; a large population on its doorstep; and an experienced
tourism industry.

Compared to similar places, North Wales performs well in terms of its climate, catchment population, accessibility and strength of its core offer. In the light of
this, we believe it could and should be achieving more.

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About Anthony Woodhouse

Anthony is the Head of Digital at North Wales Tourism, he can be contacted at or connect with him on LinkedIn