About Eirlys Jones

Eirlys is the Commercial Director at North Wales Tourism and can be contacted at eirlys.jones@gonorthwales.org.uk or connect with her on LinkedIn you can also follow her on Twitter @EirlysJones5

Link to the GLLM Vacancies Noticeboard

In partnership with Grwp Llandrillo Menai (GLLM), the colleges will showcase any vacancies you have as a business, not just the tourism & hospitality, but other sectors especially if you want temporary staff to get you through the summer on their jobs noticeboard page https://www.gllm.ac.uk/employer-jobs-noticeboard. The colleges have agreed to undertake a 2 specific day prep course in advance of you meeting them. Getting a vacancy posted is a straightforward process. You will just need to complete the attached form and then email it to: employerjobs@gllm.ac.uk or you can promote your business by uploading a short one minute video. The video will need to be: max length of 1 minutemp4 […]

First Minister confirms phased move to alert level one

The first phase of the move to alert level one means that from Monday June 7: The size of extended households can be increased to up to three households, and a further household with a single adult or single adult with caring responsibilities will also be able to join.Up to 30 people can meet outdoors, including in private gardens, outdoor hospitality and public places. Larger outdoor organised gatherings and events, such as concerts, football matches and sporting activities, like organised running groups can go ahead for up to 4,000 people standing and 10,000 people seated. All organisers planning events and activities must undertake a full risk assessment and put in […]

New variants of coronavirus and travel – Frequently Asked Questions – Reminde

On 26 May the First Minister issued a statement (https://gov.wales/written-statement-new-variants-coronavirus) on the new variants of coronavirus. The Welsh Government is urging anyone planning a break in Wales from an area with higher rates of coronavirus in the UK to test themselves twice weekly, using the free COVID-19 lateral flow tests, before they travel. Only those who have a negative test result and no symptoms of coronavirus should travel. It is also advising travellers to bring lateral flow testing kits with them to continue regular testing while on holiday – this is an additional measure to help keep Wales safe.Read the new variants of coronavirus and travel Frequently Asked Questions (https://content.govdelivery.com/accounts/UKWALES/bulletins/2d97e71) […]

Self-Employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) fifth grant

HMRC has published a new guidance document for the Self-Employed regarding applications for the Fifth Grant. It is important to note that the fifth grants differs from previous grants in that the amount that a person will receive will be determined by how much their turnover has been reduced in the year April 2020 to April 2021. To work out your eligibility for the fifth grant, HMRC will first look at their 2019 to 2020 Self Assessment tax return and you will only be eligible if your trading profits are no more than £50,000 and at least equal to your non-trading income. If you are not eligible based on your […]

ERF for businesses with a turnover of under £85,000 open

The Economic Resilience Fund for businesses with a turnover of under £85,000 has now opened, and will close at 5:00pm 30 June 2021. This additional financial support for the period 1 May to 30 June 2021 is available for eligible businesses who have/are/will be significantly impacted by the ongoing restrictions in response to COVID-19. Before applying, make sure you’ve read the Fund Guidelines and completed the eligibility checker: Fund Guidelines – https://businesswales.gov.wales/sites/main/files/documents/ERF%20Application%20Guidance%20less%20than%20%C2%A385%2C000.pdf Eligibility Checker – https://businesswales.gov.wales/coronavirus-advice/ ERF FAQ – https://businesswales.gov.wales/economic-resilience-fund-frequently-asked-questions Link to Individual LA websites Anglesey – https://www.anglesey.gov.uk/en/Business/Business-Finance-and-Grants/COVID-19-Economic-Resilience-Fund-ERF-Business-Support-May-and-June.aspx Conwy – https://www.conwy.gov.uk/en/Business/Resilience-Fund/Economic-Resilience-Fund.aspx Denbighshire – https://www.denbighshire.gov.uk/en/coronavirus/erf-business-support.aspx Flintshire – https://www.flintshire.gov.uk/en/Business/Advice-and-guidance/Covid-Business-Grants/Economic-Resilience-Fund-ERF.aspx Gwynedd – https://www.gwynedd.llyw.cymru/en/Businesses/Help,-support-and-training/May-2021-Restrictions.aspx Wrexham – https://myaccount.wrexham.gov.uk/en/service/Economic_Resilience_Fund_Application The fund will close on 30 June […]

Economic Resilience Fund (ERF) for businesses with a turnover of £85k+ closes 7 June 2021

The Economic Resilience Fund for businesses with a pre-COVID turnover of £85,000+ will close at 5:00pm 7 June 2021. Eligible businesses which have/will be impacted by the restrictions still in place during May and June 2021, can apply to the Economic Resilience Fund for financial assistance to help meet their operating costs (excluding staff wages). Support is available for businesses directly impacted by the restrictions and their supply chains. Don’t delay your application if you think you’re eligible for support. To check your eligibility, go to: https://fundchecker.businesswales.gov.wales/businesssupport

Go North Wales Tourism June Trade News

We appreciate that it remains to be an extremely difficult, worrying and complex time for many businesses and individuals across North Wales with the COVID-19 pandemic but please remember that we are here to support you. We continue to monitor the circumstances as they are developing and also continue to engage with MPs and MSs, lobbying on issues on your behalf and making sure your voice is heard. North Wales Tourism engaged extensively with all parties ahead of the election and will continue to do so. We’ve already had meetings with some of the returning and newly elected members of the Senedd representatives and will continue to engage with them […]

Reminder for Businesses

As each premises is different, businesses should read all guidance to understand the measures to be considered to re-open the business safely. Key areas businesses need to remain focussed on are: Ventilation  All hospitality businesses should take action to increase ventilation at their premises. This is such an important step that you, as a hospitality business, can take to reduce the risk of spreading coronavirus in your pub, bar, café or restaurant.Good ventilation reduces how much virus is in the air. It helps reduce the risk from aerosol transmission when someone breathes in small particles in the air after a person with the virus has been in the same enclosed area.Think […]