About Eirlys Jones

Eirlys is the Commercial Director at North Wales Tourism and can be contacted at eirlys.jones@gonorthwales.org.uk or connect with her on LinkedIn you can also follow her on Twitter @EirlysJones5

Thursday 9 June 2022 at 12.30pm at 1891 Bar & Restaurant

NWTs annual tourism business seminar and launch of the reopening of the 1891 Restaurant and Bar, Rhyl Guest speakers include: Jamie Groves, Managing Director, Denbighshire Leisure LtdNellie Williams, SolutioneerPaul Peters, Director of The Cyber Resilience Centre for WalesAshley Rogers, Commercial Director, North Wales Mersey Dee Business CouncilMark Pennington, Commercial Business Manager, Zip World UK Information Stands include: Harlech FoodServiceDesign 2 PrintDevelopment Bank of WalesAberfalls DistillerySionalSpillane Wealth ManagementNFU MutualMenter MonPenderynCastell Howell Foods Annual-Trade-Meeting-ProgrammeDownload Annual Review 2021Download Adroddiad Blynyddol 2021Download

Brilliant Basics Capital Fund 2022-23

The £2.9m fund for 2022-23 will be shared among 18 projects that will help deliver small-scale infrastructure improvements in strategically important tourism locations across Wales. The fund is supporting local authorities and national parks to deliver improvements which will benefit both visitors and local communities. List of the successful projects are available on the link below: https://gov.wales/written-statement-brilliant-basics-capital-fund-2022-23 brilliantbasicsDownload

North Wales Skills and employment survey

Finding recruitment and staff retention challenging? The North Wales Regional Skills Partnership are giving you the opportunity to influence skills policy and provision within the region. The partnership has been commissioned by Welsh Government to undertake research in order to understand business challenges, issues and opportunities in terms of current skills and employment, as well as future skills needs. Please follow the link below in order to complete a short online survey, which should take no more than 10 minutes to complete. Your contribution will support the partnership in identifying regional priorities and key areas for development, to support your business needs. https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/265JW3J For further information or to contact the […]

Annual Trade Forum

Thursday 9 June 2022 at 12.30pm at 1891 Bar & Restaurant NWTs annual tourism business seminar and launch of the reopening of the 1891 Restaurant and Bar, Rhyl Guest speakers include: Jamie Groves, Managing Director, Denbighshire Leisure LtdNellie WilliamsPaul Peters, Director of The Cyber Resilience Centre for WalesAshley Rogers, Commercial Director, North Wales Mersey Dee Business CouncilAndrew Hudson, Commercial Director, Zip World UK We are also seeking to appoint 5 directors at our AGM to serve on the Board of North Wales Tourism. Below is a link to the nomination form which should be completed and returned to eirlys.jones@gonorthwales.org.uk at North Wales Tourism no later than noon on Friday 29th […]

Outdoor and Indoor Digital Displays

Route is a Welsh based company specialising in outdoor and indoor digital displays. If you’re looking to catch the eye of someone on the street or enhance your customer experience their range of products can help. Their products are made in Britain and come with a 3-year warranty as standard as well as the support to get you up and running and provide that all important support when your products are on site. Attached is some offers for Go North Wales Members. Any questions then feel free to contact North Wales Sales Manager: Scott Lawson – scott.lawson@routemedia.co.uk – www.routemedia.co.uk Route-Media-x-Go-North-Wales-1Download

Flexible Skills Programme – funding to help with upskilling employees

The funding is available to support employees of Wales-based tourism and hospitality businesses to attend training courses that are relevant to the sector – this can include face-to-face, or online training. Applications must receive approval before the training commences. To find out if your business is eligible and for more information on the training that may be supported, as well as an expression of interest form – please go to https://businesswales.gov.wales/skillsgateway/flexible-skills-programme

Installation of Electrical Vehicle Charging Ports

The UK Government has funding available to help businesses purchase and install electric vehicle charging points. The scheme can cover up to 75% of the cost up to £375 per socket. The grant is available for B&Bs, small hotels, campsites and any other accommodation businesses and charities. Further information can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/workplace-charging-scheme-guidance-for-charities-and-small-accommodation-businesses The guidelines for other businesses who wish to provide charging points for their staff or fleets can be found at: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/workplace-charging-scheme-guidance-for-applicants

Go North Wales Tourism April Trade News

North Wales Tourism have and are still working hard on behalf it’s members on issues that are affecting the industry. The current issues that we have and are working on is the proposed introduction of Tourism Tax, the consultation on the changes of the Self Catering Business Rates threshold and reduction in VAT. We are in constant contact with the local MSs and MPs on these issues and are also lobbying side by side and working closely with the Wales Tourism Alliance to drive forward the importance of the industry to the economy of Wales and the effects and implications of these issues on the businesses and industry as a […]