Research & Strategies please see below links to research & strategies
Research & Strategies
Wales Visitor Economy Profile: 2024
Summary of employment, earnings, enterprises, expenditure and output data relating to the tourism and hospitality industries in Wales for 2024.
UK Tourism Consumer Tracker Survey: Wales profile report 2024
Consumer sentiment tracking survey aiming to understand confidence, intent and barriers to take overnight short breaks and holidays in the UK and Wales.
Tourism Barometer: February Wave, 2024
The Barometer assesses business confidence in the Welsh tourism industry and provides indicative results at national, regional and sectoral level for February wave 2024.
Domestic GB Tourism Statistics (day trips in Wales): October to December 2023
Data on day trips by British residents to destinations throughout Britain for October to December 2023.
Wales Tourism Accommodation Occupancy Surveys: July to September 2023
This Accommodation Occupancy report provides information on the occupancy levels of serviced and self-catering accommodation, as well as hostels and camping/caravan sites. There is also third-party data from Transparent (short term lets), and STR Global (large hotel chains). Serviced Accommodation STR Self Catering Hostel Camping and Caravan
Tourism Barometer: summer wave 2023
The Barometer assesses business confidence in the Welsh tourism industry and provides indicative results at national, regional and sectoral level for summer wave 2023.
Museum Spotlight Survey: 2022
The report sets out the key findings from the current round of the Museum Spotlight Survey.
Domestic GB tourism statistics (overnight trips in Wales): 2022
Data on overnight trips by British residents to destinations throughout Britain for 2022.
Wales tourism accommodation occupancy surveys: January to March 2023
The occupancy surveys provide trend information on the demand for tourist accommodation in Wales for January to March 2023.
Domestic GB Tourism Statistics (day trips in Wales): 2022
Data on day trips by British residents to destinations throughout Britain for 2022.
Visit Wales Accommodation Occupancy Survey Annual Report 2021
The occupancy survey provide trend information on the demand for tourism accommodation in Wales for 2021
Wales Visitor Economy Profile report
Summary of employment, earnings, enterprises, expenditure and output data relating to the tourism and hospitality industries in Wales for 2021.
Tourism and events coronavirus (COVID-19) impact surveys
Tourism profile –Wales Local Authorities 2011-19
Tourism-related data on local authorities in Wales for the period 2011-2019. The profiles contain tables on domestic overnight,domestic day visitors, and international overnight visitors
Tourism Profile North Wales 2017-2019
Tourism related data for the North Wales region for the period 2017-2019 providing comparisons with the overall GB level, all-Wales level and the other regions of Wales.

Tourism in the COVID-19 crisis webinar
Recording of the Tourism in the COVID-19 crisis webinar from Friday 15th May 2020. White paper What travel brands should do during the COVID-19 crisis download that accompanies the webinar.
2018 Steam data for North Wales
Steam provides the key data for measuring the performance of tourism in North Wales STEAM Wales Summary 2018 STEAM Report North Wales 2018

Assessing Zip World’s Impact on the North Wales Economy Review 2018
IntroductionZip World are a Sunday Times Fast Track 100 company. An assessment of Zip World’s impact on the North Wales economy was undertaken in 2016. The assessment reviewed the attraction’s economic impact by examining the value of visitor spend and employment opportunities made available. (For the purpose the report the participant who took part in […]
Wales Food Case Study – Llechwedd Slate Caverns
As part to the Welsh Governments Wales: A Food Destination campaign that promotes Wales as A Food Destination the below video is of Llechwedd Slate Caverns. 

Great Britain Tourism Survey, January to December 2017
Introduction This report provides provisional results from the Great Britain Tourism Survey for the full 2017 year and is an update of the results published in the last quarterly report for the period January to September 2017. In future, we will be publishing the results from Great Britain Tourism Survey alongside the results from other […]

A Tourism Tax For Wales?
The UK tourism industry has one of the world’s highest tax burdens. Most European countries have significantly reduced VAT on their tourism industries to encourage growth, employment and revenue. The imposition of higher taxes has been shown to inhibit growth, employment, revenue and holiday-taking. Tourism outperforms all Welsh Government (WG) priority sectors and is the […]

Regional investment in Wales after brexit
Introduction In the White Paper Securing Wales’ Future (January 2017), the Welsh Government sets out six priorities for the UK’s future, outside of the EU. One of those priorities is the importance of continued devolved funding and regional investment of at least the level Wales currently receives from the EU. This new policy document develops […]

Prosperity for All economic action plan
Introduction In pursuing prosperity for all, we intend building an economy on strong foundations, to supercharge our industries of the future and empower all our regions to become more productive. And we wish to see growth with a purpose – inclusive growth – so that as our wealth and well-being improve, inequalities across our country […]

Denbighshire Destination Management Plan
Introduction Develop a thriving visitor economy in Denbighshire which celebrates the unique strengths of the county, supports jobs, generates business opportunities and improves the range and qualities of amenities available for visitors and residents whilst safeguarding the local environment. Click image to download
Final Mile, best practice guidelines
Introduction Encouraging more overseas visitors to explore Britain is a top priority; it spreads the economic benefit across nations and regions beyond London, and supports growth, job creation and retention. The recent government Tourism Action Plan (launched in August 2016) supports this ambition and identifies rail as a key enabler to persuade overseas visitors to travel beyond London. Click image to […]

Tourism Action Plan
Introduction Tourism is vitally important to the UK. The industry provides 1.6 million jobs across the country. In 2015, we saw the greatest number of overseas visits to the UK on record, bringing £22.1 billion into our economy. Domestic overnight spend also hit a record high of £19.6 billion in England. In short, the sector goes […]

The Tourism Landscape
The Tourism Landscape: Department for Culture, Media and Sport Introduction The overall success of the tourism industry is contingent on its ability to work together to promote what it has to offer. However, as the sector is diverse, fragmented and competitive, businesses are often reluctant to invest significant time in collaborative endeavours. This is why […]

Tourism Matters: An Election Brief by The Wales Tourism Alliance
Tourism Matters: An Election Brief by The Wales Tourism Alliance Click image to download
The Food Tourism Action Plan for Wales 2015 – 2020
Introduction Food Tourism is defined by Welsh Government as ‘any activity that promotes a high quality, distinctive, local and sustainable food experience linked to a particular place‘. ‘Towards Sustainable Growth: An Action Plan for the Welsh Food and Drink Industry 2014-2020’ recognises the importance of the local food supply chain to the food industry in Wales, encompassing local retail, hospitality/ food service and direct retail […]

Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty Sustainable Tourism Strategy and Action Plan 2015 – 2020
Introduction The Sustainable Tourism Strategy and Action Plan for the Clwydian Range and Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) covers a five year period from 2015 to 2020. It has been based on extensive consultation and assessment, through meetings, workshops, surveys and analysis of available evidence. Its purpose is to provide a direction […]

Visitor Information Needs, Visitor Survey 2013
Visitor Information Needs EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Click image to download

The Faith Tourism Action Plan for Wales
The Faith Tourism Action Plan will aim to identify ways in which this significant part of our heritage can be enhanced as an attraction to visitors and locals alike. This action plan will focus on developing the Faith Tourism product as part of the wider visitor experience, although there could be scope to develop the niche […]

The Economic Impact of Tourist Information Centres in Wales November, 2012
Research Aim The Welsh Government commissioned Beaufort Research in association with Houston Economic Consulting to identify and value the additional economic activity occurring at a given time in a local economy as the result of Tourist Information Centres (TICs). Research Methodology The work had two stages, the first stage involved engaging with a representative sample […]

The Welsh Government Strategy for Tourism 2013 – 2020 Partnership for Growth
A Tourism Strategy for Wales The Minister for Economy, Science and Transport established a Tourism Sector Panel in September 2011 and asked them to lead the development of a new strategy and direction for the sector. This strategy represents the results of their work which has involved a process of research and analysis, evaluation of […]

Visits to Tourist Attractions 2012
Background Visit Wales (VW) have been conducting the Survey of Visits to Tourist Attractions since 1973. The remit of the research is to Determine and report visit numbers to attractions throughout Wales – analyse collected data on visit numbers to identify current trends Provide additional comparative analysis of data contained in the Survey of Visits […]
Britain Growth Strategy inbound Golden Legacy 2012 to 2020
Introduction This is a strategy for Britain’s travel and tourism industry through to 2020. It highlights the potential for our visitor numbers to grow by 23 per cent to 40 million, the potential to add 200,000 jobs in an economy where new jobs are the number one priority and the potential to generate £8.7 billion in additional foreign […]

Great Britain Tourism Survey (GBTS)
Great Britain Tourism Survey (GBTS), January to December 2012 This update summarises overnight domestic tourism in Wales during the calendar year 2012. Numbers are rounded to 2 decimal places. Figures are provisional and may be subject to final revision. Click image to download

Great Britain Day Visits Survey 2012
This update summarises the top line results of the Great Britain Day Visits Survey 2012 in respect of Wales. The Great Britain Day Visits Survey (GBDVS) has been undertaken jointly with Visit England and Visit Scotland and is the source of official statistics on day visits by British residents to destinations throughout Britain. 2012 was […]

Wales Occupancy Survey – 2011
An occupancy survey has been continuously undertaken amongst graded hotel accommodation providers since 1972 to monitor levels of demand for hotel rooms and beds in Wales.  To comply with the requirements of the EU Directive on Tourism Statistics, the survey was extended in 1997 to include all serviced accommodation including guest houses and bed and breakfast […]

Wales Occupancy Survey 2012 Annual Report
An occupancy survey has been continuously undertaken among graded hotel accommodation providers since 1972 to monitor levels of demand for hotel rooms and beds in Wales. To comply with the requirements of the EU Directive on Tourism Statistics, the survey was extended in 1997 to include all serviced accommodation including guest houses and bed and […]

Wales Visitor Survey 2011 – Overseas Visitors
As part of its statutory function to promote, develop and monitor tourism in Wales, Visit Wales undertakes a regular programme of research to provide information on the volume, value and character of tourism in Wales. In late 2010 Visit Wales commissioned Beaufort Research to conduct a research study amongst overseas and UK Visitors to Wales, […]

Wales Visitor Survey 2011 – UK Day Visitors
As part of its statutory function to promote, develop and monitor tourism in Wales, Visit Wales undertakes a regular programme of research to provide information on the volume, value and character of tourism in Wales. In late 2010 Visit Wales commissioned Beaufort Research to conduct a research study amongst overseas and UK Visitors to Wales, […]

Wales Visitor Survey 2011 – UK Staying Visitors
As part of its statutory function to promote, develop and monitor tourism in Wales, Visit Wales undertakes a regular programme of research to provide information on the volume, value and character of tourism in Wales. In late 2010 Visit Wales commissioned Beaufort Research to conduct a research study amongst overseas and UK Visitors to Wales, […]

Domestic Tourism to Wales in 2008, 2009 and 2010
This fact sheet provides summary tables of key tourism figures to Wales in 2008, 2009 and 2010. Click image to download

Visit Wales Strategic Marketing Acion Plan 2010 – 2013
The Strategic Marketing Action Plan (SMAP) provides a framework within which action plans for Visit Wales’s marketing activities are developed. It does not replace these action plans. The action plans will be consistent with the principles set out in SMAP, but will always reflect developing market conditions and the needs of our stakeholders in the […]

Overseas Tourism to Wales
This fact sheet provides summary tables of key overseas tourism (i.e. from outside the United Kingdom) to Wales from 2002 to 2009. The primary source of information for this fact sheet is the annual International Passenger Survey (IPS), undertaken by the Office for National Statistics.

Tourism Strategy Action Plan 2010-2013
Tourism Partnership North Wales Tourism Strategy Action Plan 2010-2013

Tourism Strategy North Wales 2010-2015
The importance of tourism and the visitor economy Tourism generates £1.8bn for the North Wales economy each year, supports an estimated 37,500 jobs and is a lifeline for numerous small businesses. There is potential for further growth. Like an export industry tourism brings money into the region from outside and North Wales would be poorer […]

Clwydian Range AONB – Sustainable Tourism Strategy & Action Plan
The Clwydian Range Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) is one of only a small number of locations in Wales designated for the exceptional quality of its landscape, which is linked to its historical and cultural heritage. This quality means that the Range can play a very significant role in the overall appeal of North […]

Sustainable tourism a framework for Wales
Introduction The purpose of this sustainable tourism framework is to outline what sustainable development means for the tourism sector in Wales. Its purpose is to guide those involved in promoting and developing tourism in the public, private and voluntary sectors, nationally, regionally and locally to ensure that the tourism industry contributes to sustainable development in Wales. Click […]