Business Rates Wales Update Form VO 6048

Of note the many of you will shortly, if you have not yet, be receiving Form VO 6048 from the Valuation Office. It is a legal requirement to fill in this form with ever increasing fines for non-compliance. The purpose of the forms is for the Valuation Office to gather data to try to ensure that the revaluation of all Rateable Values is done based on as much information as possible. WTA Members, PASC UK has very kindly supplied a handy guide on how to fill in this form available on second row down on the right on the page.

Re-opening and briefing coach operators (and wider travel trade); Guidance on Group Visits and Guided Tours; other related opportunities

We’re all trying to provide a positive and safe welcome, directing coach operators to the correct information and resources; and to try and minimise issues and direct them where we can to lesser known areas/places to visit. Visit Wales have created a re-opening grid to respond to the growing enquiries from coach operators in particular around the full re-opening of tourism in Wales. As well as providing to enquirers, VW have done coach industry webinars and it’s now been published on the Coach Tourism Association website ( Now that more places are re-opening and gathering restrictions are getting slightly clearer we would be really grateful if you could review and […]

Fire safety guidance document for persons who own / operate small self-catering holiday accommodation

North Wales Fire & Rescue in partnership with Mid & West and South Wales Fire and Rescue Services have recently released a fire safety guidance document for persons who own / operate small self-catering holiday accommodation.

New team to lead Wales into a brighter future

Climate change, new green jobs and recovery from the pandemic will be at the heart of the new Welsh Labour Government, as First Minister Mark Drakeford reveals his new Cabinet team.The new Welsh Labour Government: Mark Drakeford – First MinisterMick Antoniw – Counsel General designate and Minister for the ConstitutionRebecca Evans – Minister for Finance and Local GovernmentVaughan Gething – Economy MinisterDawn Bowden – Deputy Minister for Arts and Sport, and Chief WhipLesley Griffiths – Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales, and TrefnyddJane Hutt – Minister for Social JusticeHannah Blythyn – Deputy Minister for Social PartnershipJulie James – Minister for Climate ChangeLee Waters – Deputy Minister for Climate ChangeJeremy […]

Plastic-Free Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) Survey

Share Impact & Travel Without Plastic, have been commissioned by Snowdonia National Park Authority to conduct a scoping study to explore the possibility of creating a Plastic Free Mountain Status for Yr Wyddfa (Snowdon) and the surrounding Snowdonia National Park. Since 2014, the Snowdon Partnership has been collaborating to create and implement an ambitious plan for the future of Yr Wyddfa and the surrounding area. This plan breaks new ground for special places like Yr Wyddfa, by drawing together the various organisations and individuals responsible for managing the mountain at grassroots level.The partnership has tasked Share Impact & Travel Without Plastic with exploring: If a Plastic Free Mountain Status is […]