Anglesey AONB & DMP Management Plans 2023 to 2028 stakeholder consultation / Ymgynghoriad â rhanddeiliaid Cynllun Rheoli AHNE & CRC Ynys Môn 2023 i 2028

The Isle of Anglesey Council has launched a consultation on establishing a new Anglesey’s Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) and its new Destination Management Plan (DMP). This new plan shares information about the strengths in the region, areas of challenge or barriers to overcome and priority project opportunities for the future. With rapid changes in the visitor economy it is vital we balance the needs of residents, communities and visitors. But also be mindful of the special qualities on Anglesey and the reason people visit in the first place. Your input will contribute to the wider strategies for the region, which will identify key activity going forward as a […]

Annual Trade Forum and Conference

Monday 5th June 2023 at 2pm at Plas Menai National Outdoor Centre, Caernarfon You are invited to join us and hear from industry experts. Light buffet lunch will be available from 12.30pm providing you with an opportunity of networking with members from the industry and to gather information from trade stands. Speakers confirmed include: Nick De Bois CBE, Chair Visit Britain Adrian Jones, CEO Zip World Robyn Lovelock, Growth Deal Project Manager, Ambition North Wales Andy Farr, Strategic Director Parkwood Leisure and Steven Morgan, Head of Operations Plas Menai National Outdoor Centre Professor Terry Stevens, Founder & MD Stevens & Associates Jim Jones, CEO North Wales Tourism —Go North Wales Update Network with […]

Consultation – Enforcing bans and restrictions on certain single-use plastic products

The Welsh Government want your views on proposals to introduce civil sanctions as an alternative enforcement regime to support the bans on specific single-use plastic products, in addition to the criminal sanctions already in the Bill. Consultation ends: 9 June 2023.

Go North Wales Tourism April Trade News

North Wales Tourism have and are still working hard on behalf it’s members on issues that are affecting the industry. We are in constant contact with the local MSs and MPs on these issues and are also lobbying side by side and working closely with the Wales Tourism Alliance to drive forward the importance of the industry to the economy of Wales and the effects and implications of these issues on the businesses and industry as a whole. We are also working closely with the local press and media to raise the issues affecting us to make sure the voice of our valuable industry is heard. If you have any […]

OPCC Modern Slavery Conference“Open For Business: Looking at Modern Slavery in the post-pandemic North Wales economy”.

The Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) for North Wales are hosting a free event for business owners and public sector organisations in North Wales on how to identify Modern Slavery and the risks it poses to the local economy. Modern Slavery is a continuing threat to communities in North Wales and businesses need to be aware of how it can impact, and how to spot the signs. With this in mind, the OPCC will bring together key voices and organisations to discuss simple steps that every business can take. This free event will take place on 22 May 2023 at Conwy Business Centre, and will feature contributions […]

Wales Tourism Week 2023

Wales Tourism Week 2023 is an opportunity for tourism sites across Wales to invite their local politicians and others to raise awareness of the sector and showcase the quality of our tourism offer to both UK domestic and international tourists. It provides an annual opportunity for local business to meet and greet their politicians and it gives our politicians the chance to demonstrate support for tourism in their constituency. It also enables us as an industry collective to get our opinions and messages across to elected representatives. If you would like to organise an event during this week a briefing pack is available and can be downloaded from here.

Event Wales Discretionary Funds

Two new pilot discretionary funds are being made available from Event Wales. Both sector development and event sustainability were identified in the new Events Strategy as ongoing priorities for the Wales events industry in future years and the funds seek to support projects that specifically target these two important workstreams: Event Wales Sector Development Fund: has up to £300,000 per annum available and will seek to support projects that are able to demonstrate that they will make a real difference to the events industry in Wales, especially in activity areas identified as priorities in the new Strategy, such as skills development. It is anticipated that individual applications would not exceed £20,000-£30,000 […]

Spring Trade Seminars and Meet the Producer Events

North Wales Tourism in partnership with Cywain, Menter a Busnes was pleased to organise two Spring Trade Seminars and Meet The Producer events. A great attendance was at both events which were held at Royal Victoria Hotel, Llanberis on Tuesday 28th March and at Llangollen Pavilion, Llangollen on Wednesday 29th March. This was a fantastic opportunity for Tourism & Hospitality delegates to see, meet and taste the fantastic Welsh products that’s available in North Wales. Topics included within the two days: Talk & Taste – Q&A session Food & Drink Visitor Experiences New Food Tourism Toolkit The Value of Welshness Distribution leader Go North Wales Update Gwerth-CymreictoVoWNWTDownload Cyfeirlyfr-Cynhyrchywr-Producer-DirectoryDownload Copies of the New […]

Update on proposals for a discretionary visitor levy for Wales

A public consultation closed on 13th December. It explored the proposed design of the visitor levy and how it could operate on a practical level. An independent report of responses was commissioned in January, and today WG are publishing these consultation findings visitor-levy-summary-of-responses, alongside a consumer research report, which explored views among the public about a visitor levy. visitor-levy-summary-of-responsesDownload