Allowing tourism to re-open over Easter will put North Wales on Road to Recovery

There are growing calls for a special recovery fund to be set up for the tourism and hospitality industry that’s been pushed into economic freefall as a result of the pandemic. According to Jim Jones, the Chief Executive of North Wales Tourism, it was also essential that existing financial support measures were extended to help them survive 2021. Thousands of jobs had already been lost and the scale of the financial disaster was “cataclysmic”. Visit Britain was forecasting that during the pandemic, tourism revenues had fallen  by £68.8 billion cross the UK, while in North Wales a recent study had shown there had been a devastating drop of £2.17 billion in […]

Bounce Back through Branding

As we settle into a New Year and look forward to 2021, now is the time to prepare to Bounce Back, putting in to practice what we’ve learnt from previous lockdowns to make sure that once we enter the ‘next normal’, your business is in the best position possible to help with consumers pent up demand. Global supported thousands of businesses last year, helping them find the right communication at the right time. Join Global on Tuesday 2nd February as they share what they’ve learned from previous lockdowns and how you can prepare for the “next normal” in your business! Register for FREE today:

Supreme Court Decision on Business Interruption Insurance

The Supreme Court has published it’s ruling on whether a sample of 21 standard business interruption insurance policies covered businesses that were impacted by the Coronavirus outbreak. This follows the High Court’s judgment last September said that most of the disease clauses and certain prevention of access clauses (12 policy types from the sample of 21, issued by six insurers) provide cover and that the pandemic and the Government and public response caused the business interruption losses. The six insurers appealed those conclusions for 11 of the policy types, but the Supreme Court has dismissed those appeals, for different reasons from those of the High Court.On the FCA’s appeal, the […]

Welsh Government to strengthen legislation to ensure workplaces and shops are safer

Businesses in Wales will have to carry out a specific coronavirus risk assessment under new Welsh Government legislation.These risk assessments will be the starting point for implementing the reasonable measures that are required to be taken to minimise exposure to the coronavirus on premises open to the public and in workplaces.This involves considering issues such as: whether ventilation is adequatehygieneensuring physical distancing is taking placeuse of PPE and face coverings. It will also include considering how employers maximise the number of people who can work from home.

Keep Wales Safe Assets

Keep Wales Safe assets for use on your communication channels – website, newsletter, social media etc. Here’s a link to the Level 4 regulations – including Easyread, BSL clip and an easyshare leaflet in different languages. Here’s a link to assets focusing on lockdown, new variant of coronavirus and  strengthened messages – including links for Covid information in different languages on the Welsh Government website. This link has been updated. Here’s a link to the vaccination assets.

Regional Recovery 2021 – Business Summit 24th Feb 2021

Business Summit covering the latest investments, plans and supports on economic recovery for the North Wales Mersey Dee cross border region. Presentations from the Mersey Dee Alliance, Welsh Government, Cheshire & Warrington LEP, North Wales Economic Ambition Board and Growth Track 360. This free event online Feb 24th 10am to 3 pm includes Q&A and follow up business input. Click here to register today.

Brexit Transition

Following the end of the Brexit transition period on 31 December 2020 and the signing of the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the UK and the EU, the UK Government has issued guidance for a wide range of sectors. More information can be found on: Guidance is now available for working in the following sectors from 1 January 2021. The telecoms and information services sector from January 2021 The sports and recreation sector from January 2021 The media and broadcasting sectors from January 2021 The digital, technology and computer services sectors from January 2021 The arts, culture and heritage sectors from January 2021 The creative industries sector from […]

ONS Published Survey

The ONS has published a survey on the public actions over the Christmas period and perceptions regarding the future beyond Covid-19. The survey was undertaken before the current lockdowns (Jan 2021) on the perceptions regarding how soon the UK will get back to normal which will have implications for holiday booking patterns this year. The main findings were: A quarter of adults (25%) felt that life will return to normal in six months or less, compared with 22% the week before.One in five (20%) adults felt that it will take more than a year for life to return to normal, compared with 23% the week before. Concerning fort tourism terms […]