Go North Wales Tourism September Trade News

We appreciate that it is an extremely difficult, worrying and complex time for many businesses and individuals across North Wales with the COVID-19 pandemic but as the situation evolves it’s important to know that we are here to support you. We continue to monitor reopening and assess which sectors remain disproportionately affected and what support needs to be extended in the coming winter months. Parliament is in recess and returns on 1 September, however, we have continued to engage with MPs throughout August. If you have any questions/queries please do not hesitate to contact us, by email (contacts below), social media channel, online chat on the Trade website or phone. […]

Cultural Recovery Fund

Find out if you are eligible for support from the Cultural Recovery Fund. From Tuesday, 1 September organisations in the culture and heritage sector can find out if they are eligible to apply for financial support from the Welsh Government’s £53 million Cultural Recovery Fund. The new fund will see music venues; recording and rehearsal studios; Heritage organisations and historic attractions; accredited museums and archive services; libraries; events and their technical support suppliers; independent cinemas and the publishing sector being able to bid for a share of £18.5 million. https://gov.wales/find-out-if-you-are-eligible-support-cultural-recovery-fund

Tourism Research

A summary of recent tourism research for Wales and the UK is now available. This includes details of COVID-19 related Welsh Government research, and links to further external sources. https://businesswales.gov.wales/tourism/sites/tourism/files/documents/COVID-19_Tourism_Research_Briefing_2020-08-19_External_EN.pdf

Extending the holiday season to boost tourism businesses

Findings of the Wales Tourism Business COVID-19 Barometer published today show that although Wales has had a busy few weeks in welcoming guests, an extended period of staycations through the autumn is needed to boost business. The Barometer results indicate that 78% of businesses are open with 51% of those open operating at full capacity. Whilst 80% of open self-catering businesses are fully open 43% of serviced accommodation is fully open and that is lower for attractions, hostels and activity providers. Eleven percent of open businesses have had more customers since reopening than they would normally have at this time of year, and 45% have had the same level. However, […]

Telegraph Write-Ups

Some good PR stories for North Wales in the Telegraph recently https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/europe/united-kingdom/wales/articles/postcard-from-llandudno/ https://www.telegraph.co.uk/travel/destinations/europe/united-kingdom/wales/articles/secret-north-wales/ (Paywall)

Outdoor events to be trialled in Wales in latest easing of lockdown restrictions

The Welsh Government recognises the value of the events sector to Wales and how cultural, sports and business events are a vital part of the visitor economy and one of the last sectors left to re-open.Initially three small events, with limits of up to 100 people, and subject to strict risk assessments, will be held across Wales later this month. Outdoor events are being prioritised in this review period, while the weather is mild, due to evidence of lower transmission of coronavirus outdoors.If these small events can be carried out safely, and transmission of the virus remains low, it is hoped the next stage will be increased numbers of participants, […]