Business Opportunity

Business Opportunity

JAC Travel, a major inbound operator, are looking for B&Bs in North Wales to work with them in offering accommodation to their guests on self-drive tours, due to increasing demand.  Their overseas partners are forecasting interest and growth for Wales in 2019, and so JAC are keen to get extra accommodation in place now. JAC Travel work on a net rate basis.  More details about the company and how they operate are in the attached information. If you are interested in developing your international visitors, then it is an opportunity worth looking at.  This opportunity has come as a direct result of the work LHA has been undertaking in generating […]

Trade Update – June 2018

Trade Update – June 2018

AGM Trade Meeting Our annual tourism business seminar this year was held at Bodelwyddan Castle Hotel, Bodelwyddan on Thursday 24 May 2018. Speakers included: Steve Hicks, Bank of England Agency for Wales Simon Wingett, The Dragon Project Chris Marshall, Snowdonia Distillery Davina Carey-Evans, Festival of Discovery 2019 Mike Kent, Arriva in Wales Network with like-minded people Gather information from trade stands There were 5 vacancies to serve on the board of North Wales Tourism The following were elected onto the Board of NWT: Tanya Keith, The Management Centre, Bangor; Sarah Ferguson, Bryn Llewellyn Guest House, Betws y Coed, Ruth Higgin, Ty Mawr Tearooms, Llanddeiniolen Lucy Miller, Llanfair Hall and Jan […]

Wales tourism week, on site at Bryn Dowsi Gyffin

Wales tourism week, on site at Bryn Dowsi Gyffin

As you may know it has become customary in recent years to celebrate the importance of the Tourism Industry to Wales by designating a particular week as Wales Tourism Week.   Purpose of the week is to highlight the importance of the industry to Wales in income and job generation and in supporting our cultural identity.  Wales Tourism Week is held annually to raise the profile of the tourism industry and to highlight its huge revenue generating value and the opportunities it provides for jobs and careers. To celebrate Wales Tourism Week Janet Finch-Saunders, AM for Aberconwy and Mark Isherwood, AM for North Wales will be visiting Bryn Dowsi Farm Cottages […]

Green light for adventure glamping lodges

Green light for adventure glamping lodges

The Slate Caverns at Llechwedd, Snowdonia, is set to launch a unique, luxury adventure glamping site featuring six safari-style glamping lodges. Planning permission has been granted by Gwynedd Council and construction of all six glamping tents is well underway, with the first these expected to be completed in a matter of weeks.  The glamping lodges will welcome their first guests from June 2018. The five-star accommodation will be located on a hillside above The Slate Caverns adventure hub. Guests will enjoy panoramic views across the Vale of Ffestiniog and Snowdonia mountains by day, with some of the best star gazing in the world by night. The glamping site sits on […]

Trade Update

Trade Update

Wales Tourism Week 12-20 May 2018 The theme of this year’s Wales Tourism Week is ‘Collaborating to Compete’ which aims to highlight the power of partnerships across the industry. Co-ordinated by the Wales Tourism Alliance (WTA), there will be a series of events throughout the week held by the industry to highlight how different enterprises within sectors co-operate, provide excellent self-employment and career opportunities as well as customer service excellence. Tourism businesses are being urged to organise events that highlight the importance of the industry and emphasise partnership during Wales Tourism Week. Events already confirmed in North Wales include: North Wales Holiday Cottages in partnership with North Wales Tourism have […]

Great Britain Tourism Survey, January to December 2017

Great Britain Tourism Survey, January to December 2017

Introduction This report provides provisional results from the Great Britain Tourism Survey for the full 2017 year and is an update of the results published in the last quarterly report for the period January to September 2017. In future, we will be publishing the results from Great Britain Tourism Survey alongside the results from other tourism surveys in a new combined quarterly tourism statistics report. This will be a more comprehensive report that combines the latest quarterly statistics from all of the main tourism surveys and aims to provide better context for the results from the individual surveys on the performance of the tourism industry. The first combined report will […]

A Tourism Tax For Wales?

A Tourism Tax For Wales?

The UK tourism industry has one of the world’s highest tax burdens. Most European countries have significantly reduced VAT on their tourism industries to encourage growth, employment and revenue. The imposition of higher taxes has been shown to inhibit growth, employment, revenue and holiday-taking. Tourism outperforms all Welsh Government (WG) priority sectors and is the country’s second largest employer. A proposed tourism tax will damage its economic performance, brand and prospects. It will also increase social exclusion, undermine policies to create a more healthy and active Wales, limit opportunities for economic growth in Welsh-speaking heartlands and disproportionately impact those least able to afford to take a holiday. Click on image […]

Welsh Breakfast Toolkit

Welsh Breakfast Toolkit

Introduction This document provides hints and tips on how to set out your menu to highlight local produce and producers that you use. If your guests are staying for more than a few nights, this document provides you with a variety of different ideas for Welsh breakfasts. This document provides you with a sample menu that can be adapted to suit your own specific needs. This document provides you with a few ideas for ‘breakfast on the run’ if your guests are short on time. This document provides you with hints and tips of how and where to source Welsh produce, for example by working with your local butchers and local farmers markets. Click on […]

Regional investment in Wales after brexit

Regional investment in Wales after brexit

Introduction In the White Paper Securing Wales’ Future (January 2017), the Welsh Government sets out six priorities for the UK’s future, outside of the EU. One of those priorities is the importance of continued devolved funding and regional investment of at least the level Wales currently receives from the EU. This new policy document develops our thinking on the future of regional investment policy in Wales. We agree with the National Assembly’s External Affairs and Additional Legislation Committee, in their inquiry into the future of regional policy, that our challenges must be approached with creativity and ambition, and that the Welsh Government is best placed to lead that work. Click […]

Prosperity for All economic action plan

Prosperity for All economic action plan

Introduction In pursuing prosperity for all, we intend building an economy on strong foundations, to supercharge our industries of the future and empower all our regions to become more productive. And we wish to see growth with a purpose – inclusive growth – so that as our wealth and well-being improve, inequalities across our country narrow. Wales is home to some of the most innovative, dynamic and exciting economic activity anywhere in the world from the world-class centres of aerospace engineering and nuclear energy in the north; cutting-edge metallics innovation, marine technology and automotive production in the south; to award- winning food producers in rural Wales. Our economy is a […]