NHS COVID-19 app: guidance for businesses and organisations

From 24 September NHS Covid-19 app users will be able to scan (check-in) as they enter a venue. If people who visited the venue test positive for coronavirus, other app users who were there at the same time may be sent an alert. The app notification will never mention the name of your venue, it will just let app users know that they may have come into contact with coronavirus. The new NHS COVID-19 App will not provide an alternative for hospitality businesses and other high-risk settings for keeping records of staff, customers and visitors to assist with TTP, in case of an outbreak. This means that in Wales it […]

Keeping records of staff, customers, and visitors: Test, Trace, Protect (TTP)

The new NHS COVID-19 App (mentioned above) will not provide an alternative for hospitality businesses and other high-risk settings for keeping records of staff, customers and visitors to assist with TTP, in case of an outbreak. This means that in Wales it will still remain a legal requirement for pubs, bars, cafes and restaurants to collect and retain contact information of staff, visitors and customers for 21 days, regardless of whether they are displaying an official QR code poster associated with the new NHS COVID-19 App. Whilst businesses will be encouraged to display the QR code poster, the App does not cover the requirement associated with this guidance, so details […]

£14 million funding package for Wales’ sport and leisure sector

The ‘Sport and Leisure Recovery Fund’ will support the sector with the ongoing challenges resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic and provide longer-term sustainability. The fund is intended to provide essential support to sports clubs and organisations, independent providers and sporting events who have all faced significant challenges during the crisis and continue to be severely impacted. The fund will help in driving innovation for local authority leisure centres and Leisure Trusts to complement the Hardship Fund for local government. https://gov.wales/14m-funding-package-for-wales-sport-and-leisure-sector

Adventures in North Wales Podcast

North Wales Tourism have successfully been awarded funding by Westminster Government to carry out Enjoy Summer Safely Campaign which runs to middle of September (extended to 30 September on the 9th September).  This was a very short leading campaign with a quick turnaround to encourage the public to get back to the things they have missed whilst following COVID-19 safety guidelines.   As part of the campaign we produced a series of 3 branded podcast which are available on Apple and Spotify. Episode 1 North East Wales In this episode Megan travels around the East part of North Wales to bring you a taste of what the area has to offer.  […]

Funding boost for the great outdoors

Projects to improve access to the countryside and boost the sustainability of Designated Landscapes are to receive funding of £7.2m.£4.7m has been awarded to National Parks and Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONBs) to be invested in green infrastructure such as electric vehicles, retrofitting existing buildings with energy efficiency measures, and restoring peatland and woodlands. A further £1.76m has been awarded to Local Authorities to improve Wales’s network of footpaths and bridleways, making them easier to use and more accessible to all. The Clwydian Range and Dee Valley AONB will benefit from £180,000 from this programme to ease traffic congestion, carry out remedial work to address erosion to paths and […]

Businesses urged to prepare for NHS COVID-19 app

Businesses across Wales and England like pubs, restaurants, hairdressers and cinemas, are being encouraged to have NHS QR code posters visible on entry, so customers who have downloaded the new NHS COVID-19 app can use their smartphones to easily check-in. The move comes ahead of launching the NHS COVID-19 app across Wales and England on Thursday 24 September. Checking in with the app will enable people to keep a diary of the locations they have visited, which will be held securely in the app. If there is a COVID-19 outbreak linked to their visit, users will get an early warning alert from the NHS.  If they have a positive test […]